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Study on a Defendant Attorney’s Right to Appeal on Behalf of the Defendant: And a Commentary on the Supreme Court Held in the Criminal Case (Case No. 2015-Tai-chih-17)
作者 董武全
中文摘要 刑事被告基於憲法上司法受益權之制度性保障,享有律師之辯護倚賴權。因此,我國於刑事訴訟法第346條明文規定,被告之原審辯護人得為被告利益提起上訴,以實踐國家對刑事被告憲法上訴訟權保障之誡命義務。然很遺憾,實務上,執法者因對該規定有重大誤解,致未能正確適用,導致刑事被告上訴權受到嚴重損害。有鑑於此,本文針對刑事訴訟法第346條之原審辯護人法定代為上訴權,進行法理上剖析,藉此釐清法院及刑事辯護人之誤解,期能真正落實刑事被告訴訟基本權之保障。
英文摘要 Criminal defendants have a right to counsel as one of the constitutionally protected judicial beneficiary rights. For this reason, Article 346 of the Code of Criminal Procedure specifies that a defence attorney at trial below may appeal for the interest of the defendant. The purpose of the provision is to ensure the state provides adequate protection and opportunity for a criminal defendant’s constitutional right to a fair trial. Unfortunately, in practice, the law enforcement has misguided understanding of the rule and often fails to properly apply the law, harming criminal defendant’s right to appeal. This study aims to provide a jurisprudential analysis of Article 346 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, a defence attorney’s right to appeal on behalf of the criminal defendant, thereby clarifying the general misunderstanding of the rule for the law courts and criminal defence attorneys, and ensuring effective protection of a criminal defendant’s fundamental right to a fair trial.
起訖頁 1-26
關鍵詞 上訴人代為上訴稱謂欄具狀人欄AppellantAppeal on Behalf of the DefendantTitleApplicant
刊名 科技法學論叢
出版單位 國立雲林科技大學科技法律研究所
期數 201812 (13期)
DOI 10.3966/207223382018120013001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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