篇名 | 政府採購法對於不良廠商公告停權機制之探討 |
並列篇名 | A Study of Suspension Announcement Mechanism for Unscrupulous Contractor in the Government Procurement Act |
作者 | 吳威志、許峻維 |
中文摘要 | 我國政府採購法自1999年5月27日實施後,有關政府採購制度,舉凡提升採購效能、確保採購品質事項,以及公共工程招標、決標、履約等各項階段,開始有了明確法律規範得以依循。而政府採購法中有關「不良廠商之停權機制」,係針對廠商於公共工程招標、投標、決標以及履約過程中有違法或違約之行為,為避免該廠商再度危害其他機關,特將廠商之違法或違約之情狀,依據政府採購法第102條規定「將廠商名稱及相關情形刊登政府採購公報」,又依據最高行政法院101年度6月份第1次庭長法官聯席會議決議文顯示,具有後續行政罰之法律效果──「全國之公務機關之採購應拒絕該廠商於一定期間內參加公共工程之投標」。我國政府採購法規約機制自實施以來,或因法律的配套子法尚有不足,與廠商停權構成要件定義與認定過程不明確,確已引發許多執行面上的爭訟事件,尤其以政府採購法第101條第1項共14款停權要件中,所謂「情節重大」與「因可歸責於廠商之事由」等法律涵義,最易引發機關與廠商之爭訟與履約爭議。參與公共工程之廠商一旦被通知將刊登於採購公報,或申訴不成立遭認定為不良廠商理後,雖日後經行政司法救濟途徑,尚得獲得違法行政處分撤銷,但期間廠商所受之商譽與訴訟成本之損失確難以平復;因此在機關認定廠商有無政府採購法第101條第1項14款構成停權要件,其過程之嚴謹程度與認定成立理由明確性,值得深入探究。特別是政府機關對所謂「不良廠商」以政府採購法第101條第1項14款之一的停權要件追究時,如屬於民事契約行為爭議與問題,仍以行政處分方式處理,則有相當之爭議性,亦有違反經濟市場原則,其衍生之現象與問題益顯嚴重與棘手,更值得加以探討!本文就目前政府採購法中停權機制產生之爭議,輔以行政法理及工程實務經驗進行評析,探究是否有其修正餘地並提出建議。 |
英文摘要 | The Government Procurement Act (GPA) was implemented on May 27, 1999 in Taiwan. The aim of which has been to conduct GPA will be more fair and transparent, checking abuse of Government Procurement process, under the GPA overseeing. It is also be expected to promote the Government budget execution efficiency and the Procurement qualities of the relevant authorities through the operation of the GPA. Nevertheless, There is a suspension mechanism was legislated in the GPA articles 101 to 103, which are mainly aimed at suspending contractors who are violating the GPA. In the duration of the contract conduct the bidding process or the contract fulfilling. Through a certain administrative disposition. There is a lots serious concern that the penalty under Article 101 by a procuring entity may not follow the principle of proportionality. In case of one employee or one job site in a company had violated the GPA that the legal effect in the circumstances of Article 101 and a procuring entity conducts its right to dispose the contractor. All employees in the company may have serious hurtfulness because the penalty must be affect the contractor’s rights of subsistence, right to work and reputation. First of all, the study is to review the suspension mechanism, and then present the practical cases which is involved the suspension mechanism based on the Administrative Theory of Double-Deck (Zweistufentheorie). The major goal of this study is to analyze the characteristic and the difficulties of the suspension mechanism in the GPA and give a proposal for the possible improvement when the GPA will be revised in the future. |
起訖頁 | 17-43 |
關鍵詞 | 政府採購、不良廠商、停權機制、行政契約、履約爭議、停權事由、Suspension Mechanism in the GPA、Government Procurement Act (GPA)、GPA Articles 101、Theory of Double-Deck、Principle of Proportionality |
刊名 | 科技法學論叢 |
出版單位 | 國立雲林科技大學科技法律研究所 |
期數 | 201806 (12期) |
DOI | 10.3966/207223382018060012002 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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