篇名 | 教師教學過程中心流體驗之研究 |
並列篇名 | The Study on the Flow Experience of the Teacher While in Teaching |
作者 | 方淑儀 |
中文摘要 | 本研究以Csikszentmihalyi所提出的心流體驗為要,探究教師教學過程中心流體驗之感受經歷、影響教師心流體驗要素與心流體驗對於教師教學上之助益,並對6位教師進行深度訪談,期望對教師教學過程中心流體驗之感受有深入之瞭解。本研究歸出並非每一位教師於課堂教學時皆能深刻感受到心流體驗;班級學生秩序常規影響教師心流體驗之感受;校長巡堂通常被視為一種干擾,不利教師心流體驗之發展;友善且資源充足之工作環境有助於教師感受心流體驗;心流體驗有助於教師教學品質之提昇;教師心流體驗與學生的投入程度互為因果等結論。此外,亦針對結論提出建議如下,建議校方主動提供設計良好的諮詢和引導計畫,以利教師提昇教學技巧與班級經營效能,協助教師克服挑戰,有助於班級秩序常規之建立;教師可多運用溝通技巧與學生建立良好的師生關係,以利課堂教學之進行與互動,有益心流體驗之產生;校方可採用「學習共同體」方式瞭解教師教學狀況,真正落實關注學生的學習力,而非只是走動式巡察,以減少校長巡堂所予教師之壓力;學校應多創造友善之工作氛圍,並傾聽教師之需求等建議。 |
英文摘要 | The thesis is based on the concept of the flow experience in order to explore the teach-ers’ flow experiences while teaching students. Six interviewees were interviewed in this study to analyze the flow experiences of the teachers. The outcome of this study can be divided into six parts. Firstly, not every teacher could perceive the flow experience when they were teaching. Secondly, the performance of the students influenced the teachers’ flow experiences deeply. Thirdly, teaches were usually under pressure and felt interrupted because of the classroom visit from the principle. Fourthly, teachers could get the flow experiences more easily while working in the friendly and supporting surroundings. Fifthly, the flow experience could promote the quality of the teaching. Sixth, teachers could gain the flow experiences when students concentrated on the course. The conclusion reviews the research findings and offers related suggestions. |
起訖頁 | 041-068 |
關鍵詞 | 心流體驗、教師教學、flow experience、teaching |
刊名 | 師資培育與教師專業發展期刊 |
出版單位 | 國立彰化師範大學 |
期數 | 201508 (8:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/207136492015080802003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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