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Reflections and Prospects of Professional Teachers for New Generations
作者 郭淑芳
中文摘要 新世代的莘莘學子處於資訊、知識和創新的新紀元,數位網路連結之廣,全球經濟規模之大,世界變動之快,人與人之間互動、學習、溝通的模式,早已超出過去所有世代的想像;又當前國家實施十二年國民基本教育政策,期待完成十二年國民教育的學生能具備「二十一世紀所需的關鍵能力」,包括:優質公民的生活力、未來就業的專業力及社會移動的軟實力等三大面向的關鍵能力;值此,新世代與國家推動教育改革之際,教師是教育成敗的關鍵人物,為實踐教育改革目標,分析新世代教師面臨七大挑戰,並提出新世代的專業良師典範等四大省思,展望新世代專業教師的五大前瞻,期能夠匯聚政府與專業教師之共識、共力,打造新世代教育之新貌,營造學生、教師、國家多贏的教育局面,讓每個孩子都成功、教師更具專業地位、國家更有競爭力。
英文摘要 The patterns of interactions, learning, and communications of human beings have been beyond our imagination because of the progress of knowledge innovation, the overwhelming of digital network, the scale of global economy, and the acceleration of world changing. The aim of 12-Year Basic Education policy of Taiwan is to equip students with “key competences for the 21st century,” including the viability of high-quality citizens, the employability for future careers, and the softpower for social mobility. Among successful factors of educational reforms, “teacher” has always played the key role above all. Therefore, the author analyzed 7 challenges, cast 4 reflections, spotlighted prospects for future professional teachers of the new generations, in the hope of reaching consensuses between governments and professional teachers over future educational reforms, enhancing success for every single student, solidifying professional status of teachers, and furthermore, advancing the national competitive power of Taiwan.
起訖頁 047-070
關鍵詞 新世代專業教師關鍵能力new generationprofessional teacherskey competence
刊名 師資培育與教師專業發展期刊
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學
期數 201406 (7:1期)
DOI 10.3966/207136492014060701003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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