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Facing the Twelve-year Compulsory Education: Enhancement Teaching and Effective Learning of Teach-ers' Professional Development Program Planning Study
作者 張素貞李俊湖
中文摘要 在面對十二年國民基本教育政策變革的當下,教師增能為首要策略。而精進教學計畫正是教育部近年來推動課程與教學政策的整合型計畫,藉由規劃教師專業成長,來引領地方政府有系統的提升教師教學能力,進而增進學生學習成效。本研究旨在探討精進教學計畫中教師增能之策略與作法,以提供規劃有效教師專業成長方案及實施之參考,使用文件分析,並邀請直轄市、縣(市)政府承辦人員、學校校長及教師進行焦點團體訪談來蒐集資料。
英文摘要 At the moment of facing the Twelve-year compulsory education policy changes, teacher empowerment is the principal strategy. The enhancement teaching programs are the integrated projects which the Ministry of Education promotes curriculum and teaching policies in recent years. Through planning teachers' professional development programs, it is to guide the local government systems enhancing teachers' teaching ability and improving student learning.
This study aimed to explore the strategies and practices of professional development plan and provide references with an effective teacher professional development program planning and implementation. This study utilized document analysis and focus group interviews for collecting information. The local government administrators who are in charge in school education, school principles, and representative teachers were invited to attend the focus group discussion.
There are four research goals: 1) to understand the strategies for teacher empowerment used by local government encouraged by the Ministry of Education; 2) to analyze the planning and implementation by the local government; 3) to explore the practices and effectiveness of teacher empowerment conducted by schools; 4) to synthesize the primary effectiveness of planning strategies and then make further recommendations. It is concluded: 1) the professional development project can obtain the holistic thinking of planning, practice, and evaluation. It also can set policy objectives, guide the keys of develop multiple modes, and support teacher professional development. 2) The project can communicate common ideas, know needs, utilize strategies and offer sources. It is systematic, hierarchical, and organized to adopt refined, practical, and multiple approaches. 3) The administrative staffs actively participated and learned. They developed the abilities of curriculum, leadership, and management. They cooperate the administration and teaching, examine the context of schools, change the culture of teachers gradually, discover the needs of teachers, receive teachers' comments, and apply effective development modes to plan conferences. 4) The project can utilize appropriate ways to evaluate through the basis of evaluation needs. Through the professional development project continuing to advisory mechanism, the project can continue to improve its effectiveness.
起訖頁 001-022
關鍵詞 十二年國民基本教育教師專業成長精進教學Twelve-year compulsory educationteacher professional developmentenhancement teaching
刊名 師資培育與教師專業發展期刊
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學
期數 201406 (7:1期)
DOI 10.3966/207136492014060701001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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