篇名 | 中部地區幼兒教師參與學士後在職進修與教師專業發展之調查研究 |
並列篇名 | A Survey Study of Preschool Teachers’ Participation in Post-Baccalaureate In-Service Education and Professional Development in Central Taiwan |
作者 | 蔣姿儀、林亞萱 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討中部地區幼兒教師參與學士後在職進修與教師專業發展之關係,以問卷調查法為主,研究工具為研究者自編之「幼兒教師參與學士後在職進修與教師專業發展」問卷,以臺中市、彰化縣、南投縣之公私立幼托園所1012 位幼兒教師為對象。問卷回收之資料,以描述性統計、t 考驗、單因子變異數分析等進行分析。獲致之結論如下: 一、幼兒教師普遍呈現高度進修意願 (一)幼兒教師參與學士後在職進修的動機為:「可以充實教育專業知能」、「可以實現個人生涯規劃及理想」及「受時勢所趨、因應時代潮流」;最需加強的專業課程為:「幼兒輔導相關課程」;影響參與進修的阻礙為:「園所的教學及行政工作繁忙」及「怕課業太繁重,無法適應」。 (二)「未婚」者進修意願高於「已婚」者。 (三)「已婚」、「高職畢業」、「未有合格證」、「托兒所」之教師在進修的阻礙皆大於「未婚」、「大學畢業」、「有合格證」及「幼稚園」之教師。 二、幼兒教師在教師專業發展的整體表現上持正向肯定的態度 (一)「已婚」、「資深」、「研究所以上」、「具有合格教師證」、服務於「臺中市」地區、「幼稚園」之幼兒教師在整體的教師專業發展表現上為佳。 三、幼兒教師參與學士後在職進修與教師專業發展有顯著相關 (一)幼兒教師在參與學士後在職進修的「整體向度」、「動機」、「專業課程能力需求」與教師專業發展的「整體向度」、「教師專業態度」、「幼教專業知能」、「教師教學技能」問題均有達顯著相關。 |
英文摘要 | This study investigated participation in post-baccalaureate in-service education and professional development among preschool teachers in central Taiwan. The methodology was based on questionnaire survey. The "Questionnaire on Participation in Post-Baccalaureate In-Service Education and Professional Development" was used. A total of 1012 teachers from kindergartens or day-care centers in Taichung City, Changhua County/City, and Nantou County/City participated in this survey. The collected responses were processed and analyzed using methods including descriptive statistics, independent sample t-test, and one-way ANOVA. From research findings, the following conclusions were obtained: 1. Most of the preschool teachers in central Taiwan had a high intention to attend post-baccalaureate in-service education (1)The primary incentives for the preschool teachers in central Taiwan to attend post-baccalaureate in-service education were "increase professional knowledge in education", "fulfill personal career plans and goals", and "meet the trend of the times". Among the professional courses of in-service education, "courses related to counseling preschool children" were most demanded. The main barriers to their participation were "high instructional and administrative workloads" and "a fear for heavy schoolwork". (2)Overall, "unmarried" teachers showed a higher intention for in-service education than "married" ones. (3)Teachers who were "married", having a "vocational school" education background, "not a certified teacher" or teaching in "day-care centers" perceived more barriers to their participation in-service education than teachers who were "unmarried", having a "college" education background, "a certified teacher" or teaching in "kindergartens". 2. Most preschool teachers in central Taiwan had a positive attitude toward and recognition of their overall professional development (1)Teachers who were "married", "senior", having an "above graduate school" education background, "a certified teacher", "previously or currently studying in graduate program", and teaching in "kindergartens" located in "Taichung City" and having "31~60 students" showed better overall professional development. 3. There was a significant relationship between participation in post-baccalaureate in-service education and professional development among preschool teachers in central Taiwan (1)The "overall dimension" of participation in post-baccalaureate in-service education as well as its subdimensions, "incentive" and "curriculum needs", were all significantly related to the "overall dimension" of professional development and its subdimensions, "professional knowledge in preschool education" , "teaching techniques" , and "professional attitude". |
起訖頁 | 141-168 |
關鍵詞 | 幼兒教師、在職進修、教師專業發展、學士後在職進修、preschool teacher、in-service education、teacher professional development、post-baccalaureate in-service education |
刊名 | 師資培育與教師專業發展期刊 |
出版單位 | 國立彰化師範大學 |
期數 | 201312 (6:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/207136492013120602007 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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