篇名 | 數位藝術中參與者與作品之互動關係初探:以台灣數位藝術作品為例 |
並列篇名 | The Relationship of Interaction between Participants and Objects in Digital Arts: based on Some Cases of Digital Arts in Taiwan |
作者 | 陳姿汝、蔡佩芸 |
中文摘要 | 藝術是由參與者與作品所組成的,而數位藝術能夠透過多模式的數位展示物件,給予觀眾更主動積極的回饋反應,使參與者由被動變成主動的角色,因此,互動是數位藝術最重要的特性,基於此,本研究問題即欲探討參與者與作品的互動關係。研究方法採用案例分析方式,挑選四個台灣當代數位藝術作品作為分析對象,從「參與者與參與者之間的互動關係」、「參與者與互動物件之間的關係」、「互動物件與互動物件之間的關聯意涵」三個面向來作歸納分析。研究結果得到當代數位藝術的互動與創作模式包含新藝術空間的形塑、互動趣味性、多重裝置增進視覺互動形式、互動回饋體驗等現象。 |
英文摘要 | Works of art are composed of participants and objects. Digital art can give the audience more active feebacks through multiple modes of digital display objects. Participants are becoming active from passive owing to the interation of digital works. Therefore, interaction is the most important feature of digital art. The problem of this study was to discuss the relationship of interaction between participants and objects based on the above mentioned. The research adopted the method of case studies and selected four cases of contemporary digital artworks in Taiwan. The analysis results were inductive from three aspects of the relationship between participants and participants, participants and objects, objects and objects. It found that the interactive modes of contemporary digital art included shaping a new art space, adding interative interests, enhancing visual interation with muilt-devices, and experiencing the feedback with works. |
起訖頁 | 057-074 |
關鍵詞 | 科技藝術、數位藝術、互動科技、參與者、Technology Art、 Digital Art、 Interactive Technology、Participant |
刊名 | 藝術研究學報 |
出版單位 | 國立臺南大學藝術學院 |
期數 | 201410 (7:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/207035892014100702004 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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