篇名 | 臺灣1895年後兒童及青少年版畫教育發展探究 |
並列篇名 | Children and young people printmaking education development in Taiwan after 1895 |
作者 | 潘青林 |
中文摘要 | 儘管木刻版畫起源於中國,但是在十九世紀末、二十世紀初,於西方藝術中亦有十分興盛的發展。木刻版畫刀筆刻痕線條所呈現出的畫面風格,常顯出質地樸拙但流暢有力,其直率的寫實技法,十分適合記錄生活周遭的現實景況。另外,由於版畫俱有覆印性,一但印版刻製完成,即可以簡便又快速的大量印作,因此在出版與宣傳上,俱有其他藝術品項所無法達到的效果。版畫教育在美術教育界,一向都不是主流的選項,直至今日情況還是如此。然而,綜觀台灣兒童與青少年的美術教育發展,其實版畫教育由日治時期至今,不管是在創作教學上,或是圖書欣賞的出版上,均綿延不斷,亦不曾缺席。本文透過文獻探討的研究方法,探究台灣在兒童與青少年的版畫教育這一領域的發展軌跡,並以藝術行政角度,來觀察臺灣兒童藝術競賽獎項,是如何影響版畫教育在臺灣的延續。 |
英文摘要 | Woodblock prints originated in China, but in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, have flourished in Western art. The engraving often showing a simple and innocent texture, and very suitable for the record of lived reality situation. Prints also can be easy and fast printing publishing and publicity, both can not be achieved by other kind of art. Printmaking education has never been a mainstream option in Taiwan until today. However, an overview of the development of art education, printmaking education in Taiwan, from the Japanese colonial period to the present, has not been absent. Through literature research methods, this article is aim to explore the situation of Taiwan printmaking education of children and young people, and to observe the children's art competition awards in Taiwan, is how to contribute of printmaking education in Taiwan. |
起訖頁 | 041-056 |
關鍵詞 | 台灣版畫、版畫教育、台灣日治時期版畫教育、Taiwan printmaking、printmaking education、Taiwan printmaking education in Japanese colonial period |
刊名 | 藝術研究學報 |
出版單位 | 國立臺南大學藝術學院 |
期數 | 201410 (7:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/207035892014100702003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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