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The Changes and Practice of the Japanese Environmental Impact Assessment Act
作者 賴宇松
中文摘要 本文主要針對日本環評法制度整體性研究,分別從環評法之成立(第一章環境影響評估之制度沿革)以及現行法制度及其實踐(第二章環境影響評估之制度現況)以及最新修法動向(第三章日本環境影響評估法之修法動向)等面向加以整理,文末再就與我國制度對比並提出日本法之參考建議。此外透過比較法研究之初步結果,從日本法制度上可以得出下列未來為我國環評法制修正參考之面向:首先,日本制度中篩選制度,對於我國未來制度設計有一定參考價值。此篩選機制之主要目的,係針對低於絕對必須實施環境影響評估程序事業規模之事業,於其規模要件上,被認定無須實施環評,但因事業性質上,仍屬具有重大環境影響事業之類型,或因該事業位於環境較為脆弱之地區,有經由環境影響評估之必要性。篩選制度之功能,一般而言在於促使整體環評程序更加有效率來進行外,透過篩選機制也可具有防止規避法規範之效果。其次,日本制度中之範疇界定,其細部設計上有值得參考之處。整體過程中,方法書之內容,任何人只要對於環保關心之人士皆得自提出其意見書。此外日本制度中特別設計過程中市町村以及都道府縣知事可以對業者表示意見,此點凸顯出日本相當重視地方民眾以及地方自治團體意見。最後,於最近之修法中,除擴大對象事業之範圍、修正方法書、準備書以及評估書程序等值得我們借鏡外,最受矚目者為於現行環評程序中加入類似歐美國家之策略環評(SEA)制度,透過此等程序促使開發單位,必須從計畫階段即應考慮環境影響等事項,以更全面性達到環境保護之目標,避免環評成為開發許可之背書圖章。此等最新動向之未來發展,將值得我國持續關注。
英文摘要 This article mainly focused on the overall study of the Japanese EIA act system. After analyzing and summarizing the relevant studies, we can draw the following references to the revision of our EIA act from the perspective of the Japanese legal system. Firstly, the screening system of the Japanese legal system is a great value to our design of the EIA act. The main purpose of this screening system is to identify Specific Relevant Project that are below the absolute necessity to do the EIA process. These Specific Relevant Project are projects which are not subjected to do the EIA process on the basis of their size, but they will have a significant environmental impact; or those which are located in areas where the environment is more vulnerable, so it is necessary to do the EIA. In general, the screening system’s function is to promote the effectiveness of the EIA process and to prevent the avoidance of law. Secondly, the scooping system of the Japanese legal system has a detailed design that can be a great reference. During the whole process, anyone who concerns about the environment can hand in his/her submission about the method book. Besides, the governors of the municipalities and the prefectures can give their opinions to the business holders. This shows Japan takes the opinions of local people and local governments seriously. Finally, not only can we learn from their recent revision of the act, such as the expansion of businesses’ range, the revision of the method, preparation and evaluation book, but we can also learn from a system they added to their EIA which is similar to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) from European and American countries. Developers must consider environmental impact from the planning stage so as to achieve the goal to protect the environment thoroughly and to prevent the EIA from becoming an endorsement of a development permit. Its future development deserves our constant attention.
起訖頁 75-140
關鍵詞 環境影響評估篩選範疇界定二階段環評否決權制度Environmental Impact AssementScreeningScopingTwo Stage Procedures of EIAVeto System
刊名 世新法學
出版單位 世新大學法學院
期數 201812 (12:1期)
DOI 10.3966/199815542018121201002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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