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The Unified Patent Court a Revolution of the European Litigation
作者 蘇倚德
中文摘要 透過2013年2月19日協定(Accord)(下稱「協定」)創立的單 一專利法院,是歐洲第一個審理私主體間爭端的超國家 (supranationale)法院,這不是一個歐洲聯盟的法院,而僅是一個 參加此協定之「成員國的共同」法院。它將僅針對新問世的歐洲單 一效力專利爭訟案件進行審理,長遠而言,旨在調和(harmoniser) 傳統歐洲專利的各種爭訟規則。其組織以及功能是全新的,並將建 立獨立的程序規則,是一部針對發明專利真正的歐洲民事訴訟法, 目的在提供最佳的內國司法審判系統。
英文摘要 This is the first supranational jurisdiction in Europe to deal with the disputes between private parties. The Unified Patent Court is established by the Agreement of February 19, 2013. However, it will not be a Court for the whole European Union but only a “common Court to the involved Member States”. The new Court is devoted to deal with the litigation of the new European patent with unitary effect and, ultimately, to harmonize all the classic European patent litigation regulation. Its architecture and operation are entirely new. The Court will have its own procedure rules, such as a genuine European Civil Procedure Litigation Invention Patents Code, seeking to offer the best national judicial systems.
起訖頁 113-134
關鍵詞 歐洲專利歐洲專利公約共同體專利歐洲單一效力 專利單一專利法院European PatentEuropean Patent ConventionCommunity PatentEuropean Unitary PatentEuropean Unified Patent Court
刊名 世新法學
出版單位 世新大學法學院
期數 201712 (11:1期)
DOI 10.3966/199815542017121101003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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