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On the Transformation of Criminal Procedure System at the Beginning of 21st Century in Mexico
作者 劉國慶
中文摘要 21世紀之初的墨西哥刑事訴訟制度面臨「內憂外患」,遂進行全面變革,主要措施如下:其一,改革偵查程序,建構令狀制度,增強打擊有組織犯罪的有效性,優化預防性拘留制度。其二,改革起訴制度,確立起訴便宜主義,搭建多元化的糾紛處理機制。其三,改革庭審制度,確立系列重要原則,建構預審制度及多元化的庭審法官機制。此外,完善權利保障機制及提升訴訟效率。透過變革墨西哥刑事訴訟制度將在權力制衡、人權保障、控制犯罪以及訴訟效率提升等方面取得重大進展。當然,在實施中可能會受到一些因素的制約。
英文摘要 At the beginning of the 21st century, Mexican criminal procedure system faces with “domestic trouble and extraterritorial pressure” and decides to carry out comprehensive reform, which measures are as follows: First, making the reform of the investigation procedure, constructing the writ system, enhancing the effectiveness of the fighting against organized crime, optimizing the preventive detention system. Second, the reform of the prosecution system, the establishment of the prosecution opportunity and construction of diversified dispute settlement mechanism. Third, the reform of trial system, establishing a series of important principles, construction of pre-trial system and diversified trial judge mechanism;At last, perfecting the protection mechanism of human rights and enhancing the efficiency of criminal procedure. Through the reforms, Mexican criminal procedure system has made great progress in the aspects of the checks and balances of power, the protection of human rights protection, the control of crime and the efficiency of criminal procedure and so on. Of course, Mexican criminal procedure amended newly may be subject to constraint caused by some disadvantageous factors during the process of its implementation.
起訖頁 41-111
關鍵詞 職權主義對抗制訴訟直接言詞原則無罪推定原則正當法律程序審判中心主義Inquisitorial SystemAdversarial Systemthe Principle of Direct Speechthe Principle of Presumption of InnocenceThe Due ProcessThe Principle of Trail-Centered Criminal Procedure
刊名 世新法學
出版單位 世新大學法學院
期數 201712 (11:1期)
DOI 10.3966/199815542017121101002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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