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Reflections on the Standard of “Initiate a Crime” in Criminal Law: Exploring the Interpretation of Our Criminal Law with German Opinion
作者 黃奕文
中文摘要 本文探討刑法上著手理論的難題。關於未遂犯的著手,學說上素有主觀理論與客觀理論二大陣營之爭,此一難解的問題根源於德國於19世紀以降的立法發展史。本文爬梳德國刑法典對於未遂的法制史源流,藉由歷史的脈絡可以得出著手標準的發展其實和未遂犯的處罰依據息息相關,二者可謂具有高度的相生關係。接著,本文將分析於德國1975年新頒布刑法典後,學者對於該條文所作之詮釋,藉以瞭解彼邦學說與實務上,對於著手時點的高度分歧,恐怕並非吾人所樂見的。接著,本文將視角回到我國刑法第25條未遂規定之上,學者對該條文究竟是採取客觀未遂理論或主觀未遂理論素來有所爭執,本文將指出,雖然由立法沿革來看,我國是承繼德國舊刑法第43條而來,但由文義以及客觀目的論解釋來看,似乎並不排除以主觀理論為核心的解釋可能性。據此出發,本文將提出對於著手時點的看法,藉此反省我國實務上的一些案例類型(以殺人未遂罪和竊盜未遂罪作為示範)。
英文摘要 This paper explores the difficult problems of the “initiate a crime theory” of criminal law. On the attempt to proceed, the theory is subject to the theory of subjective theory and objective theory of the two camps dispute, this difficult problem is rooted in Germany in the 19th century legislation history. In this paper, the German criminal code for the attempt of the history of the legal system, through the historical context can be drawn to the development of standards in fact and attempted to commit penalties based on the relevant, both can be described as a high degree of mutual relationship. Then, this article will be analyzed in Germany after the promulgation of the new criminal code in 1975, scholars for the interpretation of the provisions of the article, in order to understand the other doctrine and practice, for the start of the high degree of divergence, I am afraid we are not happy to see. Then, this article will return to Taiwan’s criminal law Article 25 of he provisions of the above, the scholars of the article is to take the objective theory of attempted or subjective attempt to have some dispute, this article will point out that although the legislative evolution, Taiwan is inherited Article 43 of the old German criminal law, but by the meaning of justice and objective teleological interpretation of view, does not seem to exclude the subjective theory as the core of the interpretation of the possibility. Based on this, this paper will put forward the views on the point of view, to reflect on the practice of some of the types of cases (to commit crimes and attempted theft as a demonstration).
起訖頁 1-39
關鍵詞 未遂著手中間行為理論個別的實質化理論行為規範AttemptedInitiate a CrimeIntermediate Behavior TheoryIndividual Substantive TheoryCode of Conduct
刊名 世新法學
出版單位 世新大學法學院
期數 201712 (11:1期)
DOI 10.3966/199815542017121101001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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