篇名 | 深層生態學內涵探究及其教育蘊義 |
並列篇名 | Deep Ecology and the Implications for Education |
作者 | 洪如玉 |
中文摘要 | 本文探討挪威哲學家Arne Naess的深層生態學思想,Naess指出:環境問題不只是外在的技術問題,而且是思想深層的哲學問題,本文透過哲學的文獻分析與理論詮釋的方式探討深層生態學的哲學意涵,指出Naess對現代性之三個批判,包括對現代生活之批判、對現代技術之批判與對現代性哲學預設之批判。綜合上述,本文主要透過文獻分析與詮釋方法,深入探討Naess深層生態學的思想內涵與其對現代性之批判,最後探討以生態烏托邦為深層生態學的教育目標,提出下述建議:一、推動思想典範的轉移與價值重整;二、重新定義生態烏托邦之生態公民資質;三、生態烏托邦的教育思想為在地化生態教育學;四、以關懷在地議題作為建構生態烏托邦之具體實踐。 |
英文摘要 | This paper discusses the theory of deep ecology proposed by the Norwegian philosopher Arne Naess. According to Naess, the solution to environmental problems can be found not only in technology concerning the environment but also in philosophy. Naess’ criticism of modernity is focused on 3 points: (a) criticism of modern lifestyles; (b) criticism of modern technology; and (c) criticism of philosophical assumptions. Based on the opinions of Naess, the author suggests that the concept of ecotopia be taken as the goal for guiding the practice of ecopedagogy. The author makes 4 suggestions with respect to ecopedagogy as follows: (a) the transformation of the thinking paradigm and reexamination of the value system; (b) the reconceptualization of ecocitizenship based on the concept of ecotopia; (c) the implementation of ecopedagogy with local consciousness as an educational practice of ecotopia; and (d) the inclusion and exploration of local issues as a concrete practice of constructing an ecotopia. |
起訖頁 | 103-133 |
關鍵詞 | 生態烏托邦、深層生態學、生態中心論、生態教育學、Arne Naess |
刊名 | 新竹教育大學教育學報 |
出版單位 | 清華大學竹師教育學院(原:新竹教育大學) |
期數 | 201412 (31:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/199679772014123102004 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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