篇名 | 以審美意識促使公民參與式服務學習的成效與評估 |
並列篇名 | Effects and Evaluation of Aesthetic Consciousness on Service-Learning Based on Citizen Participation |
作者 | 王玫 |
中文摘要 | 審美能促使意識覺知,產生統整、自主與能動的能力。公民參與強調行動的面向,而服務學習是達成公民參與的途徑與方法,審美意識主體的判斷力是公民參與行動背後感性與理性交織的情感、思想與實踐力量。本研究試圖從三個審美樣態所發展出的審美關係,即審美意識主體、審美客體與審美主體,彼此透過意向性、表現性與共感性產生互為影響的關係,引發學生意識的覺知。透過服務學習內容的設計,在審美行為交互影響中,培育鑑賞、反思、批判、想像等能力。研究者以「餐飲美學」課程,依據學生專業特質,設計服務學習方案。整體課程透過審美意識覺知的三個途徑:處境意識、想像意識與解放意識,鋪陳設計,引發審美主體意識性。經過學習成效評估,在課程目標所設定之預期公民核心能力的表現均有提升,顯見透過審美經驗的體驗,運用服務學習真實場域,公民參與的精神確有改變。 |
英文摘要 | Aesthetics promote conscious perception, which, in turn, leads to the competencies of integration, autonomy, and action. Citizen participation is action-oriented, and service-learning is a method by which it can be improved. Aesthetic consciousness is a judgment that helps integrate emotions, thoughts, and praxes to facilitate citizen participation. This process is an amalgamation of perception and reason. We aimed to probe the concept of “aesthetic relationships.” The behaviors in curricula comprise 3 modes: aesthetical conscious subject, aesthetic object, and aesthetic subject. These 3 modes interact with intentionality, expression, and sympathy to encourage students’ perception. We cultivated students’ appreciation, reflection, critics, and imagination by using service-learning to promote the interaction of aesthetic behaviors. We applied the “Hospitality Aesthetics” course, based on this concept, according to the technology of the Hospitality-major students. Service learning was implemented in this curriculum. We attempted to stimulate the students’ aesthetic consciousness in 3 steps: awakening learners’ environment concern , inducing imagination, and achieving relief consciousness. The goals of citizen core competencies in this curriculum were achieved by learning evaluation. Based on aesthetic experience and the service-learning fields applied in this curriculum, changes in citizen attitudes were observed. |
起訖頁 | 033-066 |
關鍵詞 | 審美意識、審美關係、公民參與、服務學習 |
刊名 | 新竹教育大學教育學報 |
出版單位 | 清華大學竹師教育學院(原:新竹教育大學) |
期數 | 201412 (31:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/199679772014123102002 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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