篇名 | 從海商法之觀點論「海翔八號」船舶事故案 |
並列篇名 | Study on M.V. Hai-Xiang No. 8Case in Maritime Law Viewpoint |
作者 | 羅俊瑋、賴煥升 |
中文摘要 | 「海翔八號」船舶事故案件為近年嚴重之海上事故之一,本案可從多種面向探討。就海商法之部分,即為適航性相關議題。適航性為運送人之首要義務。運送人未於船舶發航前或發航時盡謹慎適航之相對性義務,其不得主張免責與限制責任事項。新近鹿特丹規則就適航性義務將其擴展至運送之全程。由運送人提供裝載貨物之貨櫃,亦有適航性之要求。貨物滅失;毀損與不適航應具因果關係。適航性之內容包含船體;船員;文件;貨載等因素。現今國際上各類船舶皆應強制執行國際安全管理規章,其亦就船員之適航性有所規範。復一九七八年航海人員訓練;發證及當值標準國際公約亦有所明文。故本文即參酌相關國際公約與國內法之規定加以論述。 |
英文摘要 | In recent years, the accident of M.V. Hai-Xiang No.8 is one of the seriousaccident at sea. In this case, there are numerous issues to consider. Inthe field of maritime law, it is the subject of seaworthiness. The carrier wasrelieved of an obligation of seaworthiness that is a duty of exercising duediligence to make the ship seaworthy. If the carrier can’t prove to make theship seaworthy in due diligence, they can’t exemption or limited from theirliability for cargo damage or loss. The Rotterdam Rules now extend theobligation to whole voyage. To make and keep any container supplied bythe carrier in or upon which the goods are carried, fit and safe for their reception,carriage and preservation is also a seaworthy request in RotterdamRules. Cargo loss or damage was or was probably caused by or contributedto by the unseaworthiness of the ship. The subject matter of seaworthinessincludes hull, crew, and container. The requirements of ISM Code may beapplied to all ships. Furthermore, International Convention on Standards ofTraining, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers 1978 is also providedthe seaworthiness of crew. This article will have more discussions onthese relevant issues with international convention and R.O.C Law. |
起訖頁 | 47-84 |
關鍵詞 | 適航性、海牙威士比規則、漢堡規則、鹿特丹規則、海上人命安全公約、國際安全管理規章、一九七八年航海人員訓練、發證及當值標準國際公約Seaworthy、 Hague-Visby Rules、 Hamburg Rules、 RotterdamRules、 SOLAS、 ISM Code、 STCW Code |
刊名 | 興大法學 |
出版單位 | 國立中興大學財經法律學系、科技法律研究所 |
期數 | 201305 (13期) |
DOI | 10.3966/199516202013050013002 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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