篇名 | 論歐盟及德國食品安全法制與其通報系統之建構 |
並列篇名 | Discussion of Legal Contents andthe Construction of Food Safety Alert System in EU and Germany |
作者 | 李寧修 |
中文摘要 | 隨著食品原料來源之多元化以及產銷過程之複雜化,如何在歐洲的共同市場中確保食品從「農場到餐桌」的安全性,考驗著歐盟及德國的食品安全體系。食品安全法制以預防原則為基礎,強調在食品產銷過程中應建立完整的可追溯制度;課予專責食品安全機關遵行風險分析程序的義務;並要求資訊應透明;公開,以重建消費者的信賴。歐盟及德國食品安全通報系統之建置,即是透過各食品安全專責機關間的相互協力,以公開消費資訊之方式,力求達成歐盟所建立之消費者保護水準。而相對應前述歐盟及德國的情況,就我國現行食品安全體制提出個人的一些想法與建議,期得作為我國食品安全法制之參考。 |
英文摘要 | With the diversification of food material sources, as well as the complexityof producing and marketing process, how to ensure the food safetyfrom farm gate to dinner plate in European Common Market is a challengeto the food safety system of EU and Germany. Food safety law uses precautionaryprincipal as its foundation, and it emphasizes complete traceabilitysystem should be established in the process of producing and marketing;it grants food safety authorities to comply with the obligations ofrisk analysis, which three interconnected systems: risk assessment, riskmanagement and risk communication should be established; and it requeststhe information should be transparent, in order to re-build consumers’ trust.Establishment of the Food Safety Alert System in EU and Germany isthrough the ways of mutual cooperation and disclosure of information toachieve the EU’s consumer protection standards. Based on the comparisonof aforementioned situations in EU and Germany, the food safety system inTaiwan would be briefly reviewed and a few suggestions would then beraised in the end of this paper. |
起訖頁 | 1-46 |
關鍵詞 | 食品安全、食品快速通報系統、預防原則、風險分析、可追溯性、資訊公開Food Safety、 Food Safety Alert System、 the PrecautionaryPrinciple、 Risk Analysis、 Traceability、 Disclosure of Information |
刊名 | 興大法學 |
出版單位 | 國立中興大學財經法律學系、科技法律研究所 |
期數 | 201305 (13期) |
DOI | 10.3966/199516202013050013001 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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