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The Metacognition of Internet-Based Learning as a Mediated-Effects Analysis of the Relationships among the Epistemological Beliefs and Academic Performance in College Students
作者 劉佩雲陳柏霖
中文摘要 在網路學習時,學習者所持的知識信念會影響後設認知與學習成效,本研究主要目的在探討網路學習時,後設認知是否為個人知識信念與心理學學習成效之間的中介變項。研究採問卷調查形式,以 902 位大學生為對象,採用自編「網路知識信念量表」、「網路後設認知量表」及「學習成效量表」為工具。經皮爾森積差相關與結構方程式模型,得出研究結果如下:一、網路學習時,大學生的不成熟知識信念與後設認知間呈現負相關,而後設認知與學習成效間則是正向關係;二、大學生進行心理學網路學習時,其後設認知扮演知識信念與學習成效間之中介角色。本研究根據資料分析結果進行討論,並對高等教育與未來研究提出建議。
英文摘要 This study aims to understand the situation of metacognitive strategies use and academic performance of internet-based when college students engage in internet-based learning, then explore the relationships among epistemological beliefs, metacognitive strategies of internet-based learning and academic performances in psychology. This study adopts questionnaire survey where the samples are collected from 902 college students. The questionnaires of epistemological beliefs, metacognitive strategies of internet-based learning and academic performances in psychology are taken to be implemented. The data are analyzed by Pearsons correlation, and structural equation modeling. Based on data analysis, results are shown as follows: The resulting empirical data can be adapted to the constructed model and support the hypothesis. When college students take online learning, the less sophisticated epistemological beliefs negatively correlate with metacognition. The metacognition of internet-based learning positively correlates between academic performances. The “metacognition of internet-based learning” plays mediator role for “epistemological beliefs “to “academic performance”. According to the above conclusions, some suggestions are proposed for higher education institutions and future studies.
起訖頁 023-048
關鍵詞 學習成效網路學習知識信念後設認知academic performanceinternet-based learningepistemological beliefsmetacognition
刊名 教育研究與發展期刊
出版單位 國家教育研究院
期數 201512 (11:4期)
DOI 10.3966/181665042015121104002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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