篇名 | 當代瑞典高等教育制度及其終身教育機構之體現 |
並列篇名 | Review of the Transition of Swedish Higher Education and Its Contemporary Role in Lifelong Education |
作者 | 楊潔欣 |
中文摘要 | 福利國家對人民從搖籃到墳墓的照顧仰賴優質人力資源鞏固國家豐沛競爭力,而百年樹人的教育體制更是關鍵,作為知識社會具體實踐的瑞典高等教育不只在學術研究有成,其制度對社會安定、產學合作、提供公民終身學習的選擇更是領先國際。本研究藉由文獻分析探討北歐瑞典高等教育近百年間從菁英教育到大眾教育的沿革與蛻變,自瑞典社會變遷與發展的脈絡發現:瑞典高等教育機構不僅考量傳統定義上的青年學子,它著眼的對象範圍是所有具備入學資格的個體,相對地,非傳統學生的人生歷練與經驗受到實際重視,入學機會亦受到法源明文保障,其高等教育政策亦於學習者切身相關的大學入學方式、課程設計以及經濟支援三方面支持其架構。在我國正為出生率低迷、大學生源受影響以及對未來招生隱憂、師資何去何從急尋對策之際,本研究欲藉瑞典高等教育內涵與運作模式得到啟發,提出可參酌借鏡之建議。 |
英文摘要 | Sweden is ranked top in many international indices and presents competitiveness among the OECD members. Higher education in Sweden not only plays a leading role in lifelong learning in the knowledge society but also enhances the social equality and justice. By reviewing the Swedish higher education that transfers from the elite education for the privileged to the education for the masses in the recent century, this study focuses on how the structure is formed and supported nowadays. Based on the literature review, the significant improvement of the educational structure, which is set up in the educational reforms such as the student recruitment, the characteristics of curriculum, and the financial aid, has a great influence on today’s Swedish universities. The findings show that the Swedish higher education system not only concentrates on the traditional upper secondary school leavers but also on all applicants of qualification equally. The key characteristics of Swedish higher education may practically inspire Taiwan to adopt a few valuable solutions to face the challenge it encounters at this stage. |
起訖頁 | 081-114 |
關鍵詞 | 瑞典教育、高等教育、教育改革、終身教育、Sweden education、higher education、educational reform、lifelong education |
刊名 | 教育研究與發展期刊 |
出版單位 | 國家教育研究院 |
期數 | 201509 (11:3期) |
DOI | 10.3966/181665042015091103004 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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