篇名 | 國小三年級的英文自由書寫活動之意義與價值 |
並列篇名 | Meanings and Values of English Free Writing in a Grade-3 Classroom |
作者 | 張芳琪、張淑儀、李婉容 |
中文摘要 | 本文主要探討於國小三年級英文教學中,實施「英文自由書寫活動」的意義與學習價值。教學者能透過國小三年級學童在英文自由書寫活動中所產出的作品,瞭解學生的學習狀況,繼而運用「鷹架」設計理念,提供學童適當、具挑戰性的學習激勵。學童除能看到自己的作品、強化個人自信心外,亦能從同學的作品感受多元想法,找到激勵自己持續學習的動力和誘因。另一方面,教師也能追蹤學童書寫能力的發展歷程,逐步提升個別學生的語文知能。作者們於觀察英文自由書寫的教學活動、分析學童作品和教師體驗後發現,不論英語為外語或母語,年幼學習者均呈現類似的書寫特徵,且教師態度從質疑轉為肯定!上述發現除打破「英語為外語的學童沒有英語書寫能力」的迷思外,也凸顯當給予適當的學習機會和活動時,學童能適齡地發展其書寫能力。 |
英文摘要 | This paper reports a free English writing project conducted in a grade-3 class. The writing project yielded visible written works as data for examination, which helped teachers have better understanding of students’ learning. The teachers therefore could plan and provide appropriate scaffolding during instruction. From this project, both researchers and teachers found the value in classroom writing activities. Teachers and students also better understood students’ learning progress during learning process. In addition, students were motivated to advance forwards in writing by their visible performance on paper. Furthermore, there are two more findings: (1) the participating teachers change of attitude to the incorporation of the writing activity, and (2) the similar writing features identified in the written works produced by the beginning writers in this study and works by ENL young writers, seem to imply that EFL young learners could be given early opportunities to learn to write. Besides, there is another finding from the questionnaire that indicates the room for improvement for the writing activity. This paper reports the implementation, observation and findings of this free English writing project. |
起訖頁 | 061-092 |
關鍵詞 | 英文書寫、自由書寫、英語文初階課程、English writing、free writing、EFL beginning writers |
刊名 | 教育研究與發展期刊 |
出版單位 | 國家教育研究院 |
期數 | 201506 (11:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/181665042015061102003 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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