篇名 | 小學生國際交流跨文化能力指標之建構 |
並列篇名 | A Construction of Intercultural Competence Indicators for Primary Students Participating in International Exchanges |
作者 | 黃文定 |
中文摘要 | 本研究的目的乃在建構我國小學生國際交流跨文化指標,以作為準備與規劃國際交流,以及評估其成效的依據。本研究採用半結構式訪談、焦點團體以及德懷術三種研究方法,蒐集學者與實務工作者的意見,結合理論與實務,建構跨文化能力指標。經過上述研究方法建構完成的指標共包含四個向度、十個項目與二十七項指標。「意願與態度」向度包含三個項目:心理適應、開放探索、尊重他人與他國文化;「知識與理解」向度包含二個項目:特定文化的理解、人類文化普同性與差異性的理解;「技能與應用」向度包含三個項目:文化覺察能力、溝通能力、適當關係的建立與維繫能力;「多元思考與判斷」向度包含二個項目:對文化的多元思考與判斷、對訊息內容的多元解析與判斷。每個項目包含二至四項指標。本文最後提出未來推動國際交流與進行相關研究的建言。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of the research is to construct a set of intercultural competence indicators for Taiwan’s primary students participating in international exchanges as a guide for preparing and planning international exchanges as well as evaluating their effect. The research employs semi-structured interview, focus group and Delphi technique to collect the opinions from scholars and practitioners, integrate theories and practices, and develop a set of intercultural competence indicators. After employing the above research methods, a set of indicators is formed with 4 dimensions, 10 items, and 27 indicators. The dimension of willingness and attitude comprises 3 items: psychological adaptation, open exploration, and respect for others and other countries’ cultures. The dimension of knowledge and comprehension consists of 2 items: the understanding of specific cultures, and the understanding of commonality and differences between human cultures. The dimension of skill and application includes 3 items: cultural awareness, communication ability, and the ability of establishing and maintaining appropriate relationships. The dimension of multiple thinking and judgments contains 2 items: multiple thinking and judgments on culture, and multiple analyses and judgments on messages. Each item consists of 2 to 4 indicators. At the end, this article provides several suggestions for future implementation and research on international exchanges. |
起訖頁 | 135-164 |
關鍵詞 | 國際交流、跨文化能力、能力指標、小學生、international exchanges、intercultural competences、competence indicators、primary students |
刊名 | 教育研究與發展期刊 |
出版單位 | 國家教育研究院 |
期數 | 201503 (11:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/181665042015031101006 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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