篇名 | 教師自我研究取向之應用與國小社會領域民主教育之促進 |
並列篇名 | Applying Teacher’s Self-Study Research Approach and Improving Democratic Education of Social Studies Curriculum |
作者 | 章五奇 |
中文摘要 | 過去對民主教育的研究,研究方法多以理論性探討和量化研究為主,較少探討教室的實際教學。然而透過教室的教學探究,才真正能了解民主教育如何運作,並發揮效果。本研究採取自我研究方法,由一位國小教師在社會脈絡中深切反思自我處境,進而轉化課程,引導六年級學生從分析自我生活經驗中,理解民主意義,學習民主生活應有的價值、態度與技能。研究目的是透過教師的自我研究,促進學生社會領域民主教育的學習。研究有四發現︰一、透過教師的自我研究,教師能示範民主價值及態度,促進學生的民主教育;二、自我研究促使師生經驗交流,增進對民主知識的理解及學習解決問題;三、自我研究能使民主教育加深加廣,也有助於統整其他學科領域的學習;四、自我研究和生活問題的導引,有助社會議題的深思。 |
英文摘要 | Taiwan’s democratic education researchers are used to using the method of theory analysis and quantity analysis, but seldom focus on the practice of curriculum and instruction in the classroom. However, it is important for us to understand the democratic education operations through exploring the complexity of curriculum development and teaching practice in the classroom. The aim of this study is for the researcher, an upper-grade teacher of an elementary school, who employ self-study and teaching research to improve democratic education of social studies curriculum in the classroom that help students become citizens who can negotiate with others and respect diversity. The main conclusions are: (1) Democratic education of social studies curriculum can be improved when the self-study teacher sets an example of democracy; (2) It can help students to acquire the knowledge and skills of democratic education of the social studies textbook when teacher presents students with examples of real-life scenarios ; (3) Using self-study research on democratic education can broaden, deepen, and integrate other disciplines; (4) It would help students to discuss social issues by sharing life experiences. |
起訖頁 | 081-108 |
關鍵詞 | 民主教育、教師自我研究、教師專業發展、國小社會領域、democracy education、teacher’s self-study、teacher professional development、social studies of elementary school |
刊名 | 教育研究與發展期刊 |
出版單位 | 國家教育研究院 |
期數 | 201503 (11:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/181665042015031101004 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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