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Implications of China’s New Civil Code for the General Principles of Taiwan Civil Code
作者 莊錦秀
中文摘要 中國大陸民法典預計2021年1月1日施行,其中,第一編總則係將原承襲1986年4月12日公布《民法通則》為基礎,自2017年10月1日施行迄今《中華人民共和國民法總則》完整納入,並就該法第34條、第53條第1款、第145條第2款及第171條第2款僅稍作修改。簡言之,中國大陸民法典總則編體例為七章設計,臺灣民法總則為五章設計與德國及日本民總體例相近。內容部分,大陸民法總則在第二章自然人部分放入第四節個體工商戶和農村承包經營戶,將存在中國社會已久個體工商戶和農村承包經營戶有無民事權利主體的爭議問題解決。在第四章部分,將非法人組織賦予民事權利主體性,以便解決中國社會存在一些實際從事民事活動未具法人資格組織體所引發民事權利主體性爭議。第五章民事權利部分,則編入相當多元的權利客體規定。第八章民事責任部分,則有鑑於中國民法典未編列債編總論章節,故將類似臺灣債編總論規定編列於第八章,以便日後適用於各編運作。本文先就《中華人民共和國民法總則》及《中華人民共和國民法典第一編總則》做觀察後,再就中國大陸民法典第一編總則與臺灣民法總則編不同處以及創新之處,提出觀察與看法。
英文摘要 The Chinese civil code was carried out on 1st, Jan., 2021. The first part is totally based on the General Principles of the Civil Law announced on 12th, April, 1986. The People’s Republic of China General Provisions of the Civil Law released on 1st, Oct., 2017 was entirely included, and be mildly modified on the art.34, 1st paragraph in art.53, 2nd paragraph in art.145, and 2nd paragraph in art.171. In short, the Chinese civil code was designed in 7 chapters, which is similar with Taiwan civil 5 chapter, Germany, and Japan. The Chinese Civil Code settles the natural person in 4th sections individual business and rural contracting operators in the 2nd chapters, which solves the no civil right disputes. The 4th chapter endued non-corporate organization civil right subject, to solve the disputes on civil activities without civil right subject. The multiple right subjects are regulated on the 5th chapter. The civil lability is set on the 8th chapter, and the obligation was included in that chapter, which is similar with the obligation in Taiwan civil. I observed the General Rules of the Civil Code of the People’s Re-public of China and the first chapter General Principles of the Civil Code of the People’s Republic of China in this article. Then, I gave the different and innovation parts between mainland China civil code and Taiwan civil code.
起訖頁 77-117
關鍵詞 法人非法人團體代理民事責任時效Juridical PersonsNon-Corporation OrganizationAgencyCivil LiabilityPrescription
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 202012 (62期)
DOI 10.3966/181646412020120062002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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