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Implications of China’s New Civil Code for the Contract Law in Taiwan
作者 楊宏暉
中文摘要 中國大陸民法典將於2021年起施行,此一民法典主要是匯編先前民事單行法的成果,為21世紀最重要的民法典,其仿效德國民法典的潘德克頓體系,並作出創新,其中的合同編,即是在既有合同法的基礎上,進行全面的改革深化,但因在部門民法時代,欠缺橫向連繫的債編通則規定,承襲的結果,即是以合同法通則取代債編通則,形成在體系概念上,稱不上嚴謹的成果,以下位的合同充代上位的債,並將無因管理與不當得利納入准合同當中,使得相關條文的用詞,必須不斷地作概念轉換,增加了法教義學上的成本,是一部偏重問題解決取向的務實法典。另外,合同編最大的特色,就是大量參考CISG、PICC、PECL等國際契約法文件,特別是違約責任與合同解除部分,以嚴格責任、繼續履行、採行補救措施和損害賠償作為違約的主要規範,並以重大違約作為共通的解除事由,這部分的改革,也是臺灣民法目前的修改方向,顯示國際契約法文件對於各國的深遠影響。再者,綠色原則及電子商務也是合同編的重要特色,透露出當代民法的關切重點,反映環保與電商的現代特色。最後,典型合同及格式合同條款的明定、前合同義務及後合同義務的規定、重新協商機制的引進、以及合同保全的增訂等等,均為此次民法典的亮點特色。相關爭議,在本文中也做出說明,並和臺灣民法典中相對應的制度,作出比較分析。
英文摘要 The China’s Civil Code will enter into force on 1 January 2021. It will become the most important civil code in 21 century and is influenced by the Germany Pandektistik, although it is a consolidation of the former individual civil laws. But it has the innovation in its system that the gener-al rules of contract play the role of the general rule of obligation. The un-der concept of contract in place of the above concept of obligation is used and results in the loose structure of the system, because it is based on the former contract law, which is short of the horizontal connection between the individual laws. The Spontaneous Agency (Quantum meruit) and Un-just Enrichment are subsumed in the quasi contracts. The legal items should be transformed constantly between the contract and obligation, and result in the increasing costs of legal dogmatic. Totally, the Civil Code of China is a problem-oriented solution. The rules of contract refer to a great quantity of international contract law documents such as CISG, PICC and PECL, and make it become another distinguishing feature. The rules about the breach of contract and the cancellation of contract are the highlights in this code. The strict liability, continuous performance and damages are the major reliefs when the contract is broken. The fundamental breach of con-tract serves as the common cause of the contract cancellation. These re-forms are also introduced in the draft plan of Taiwan’s Civil Code. These directions of the reform show that the influence of the international con-tract law documents is spread in the modern legislative activities. The Green Principle and Electronic Commerce are also the important features in this code and reflect the importance of the modern environment protec-tion and E-Commerce. The regulations of Typical Contracts and Adhesive Contract Clause, Pre-contractual and After-contractual obligations, Rene-gotiation, Guarantees of Contracts and so on are also the highlights in this code. The relevant issues and the comparison with the Taiwan’s Civil Code will be discussed in this article, too.
起訖頁 1-75
關鍵詞 民法典合同法通則債編通則債務不履行違約責任綠色原則民法體系準合同情事變更締約上過失Civil CodeGeneral Rule of ContractGeneral Rule of ObligationNon-performanceBreach of ContractGreen PrincipleSystem of Civil CodeQuasi ContractsDoctrine of Change of CircumstancesPre-contractual Liability
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 202012 (62期)
DOI 10.3966/181646412020120062001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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