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Study on Legal Controversy of Floor Area Ratio Rewards in Urban Renewal of Mainland China -Based on Analysis of Local Legislative Samples
作者 郭潔
中文摘要 大陸容積率獎勵制度處於地方探索的早期。地方立法存在著規則缺失、立法權依據不足、監督乏力的問題。基於大陸地方立法的分析,鑑於大陸城市土地的公有特徵,國家立法應規定容積率獎勵制度,並保持地方立法適度的彈性;根據容積率獎勵行政債權的屬性,立法應確定容積率轉移的行政程序和條件;在制度選擇上應優先完善容積率獎勵的行政裁量規則,以便強化控制。
英文摘要 The continental floor area ratio (FAR) reward system is in the early stage of local exploration. There are some problems in local legislation, such as lack of rules, insufficient basis of legislative power and weak supervision. Based on the analysis of local legislation and the public characteristics of urban land system in mainland China, floor area ratio reward system should be stipulated at the national level, and maintain the appropriate flexibility of local. According to the attribute of the plot ratio to reward the administrative creditor’s rights, the legislation should determine the administrative procedure and condition of the plot ratio transfer. In order to strengthen the control, the administrative discretion rule of the plot ratio reward should be perfected.
起訖頁 41-70
關鍵詞 容積率獎勵容積率轉移裁量規則行政債權Floor Area Ratio (FAR) RewardsFloor Area Ratio Transfer Discretionary RulesAdministrative Creditor
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 201912 (58期)
DOI 10.3966/181646412019120058002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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