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Experiences and Lessons from the Shantytown Renovation in Mainland China–Comparing with the “Market-oriented” Urban Renewal in Shenzhen
作者 樓建波陳陶
中文摘要 本文梳理了棚戶區改造在大陸地區的發展歷程、實施程序以及配套措施。通過與深圳城市更新的概念和功能的對比,本文認識到棚戶區改造制度在城市功能更新層面發揮著與傳統「城市更新」相同的經濟職能;通過對比棚戶區改造制度與城市更新的程序異同,本文總結提煉出大陸其他地區之所以採取棚戶區改造而非城市更新制度的原因,並進一步剖析了其中的法律問題;最後從補償安置手段、資金籌集手段上的政策演變反思棚戶區改造的發展趨勢,並對大陸地區舊城改造事業今後的走向提出了建議。
英文摘要 This paper reviews the evolution, the procedures and relevant policiesof Shantytown Renovation in mainland China. By comparing the relevantconcepts with Urban Renewal in Shenzhen, the authors find out that theShantytown Renovation plays the same economic function as the traditionalUrban Renewal in the aspect of urban function renewal. By analyzingthe procedural steps, the authors conclude why the Central Governmentchose the Shantytown Renovation rather than the Urban Renewal asnationwide policy. And by reviewing the changes in compensation policyand financing of Shantytown Renovation and their impacts on the size ofthe Shantytown Renovation, the authors propose that Shantytown Renovationshall stick to its original purpose; while old town redevelopment inChina shall take the Shenzhen model of market-oriented urban renewal.
起訖頁 1-38
關鍵詞 舊城改造棚戶區改造城市更新貨幣化安置開發性金融Old Town RedevelopmentShantytown RenovationUrban RenewalPecuniary CompensationDevelopment Finance
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 201909 (57期)
DOI 10.3966/181646412019090057001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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