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A Feasible Method to Solve Unbuilt Urban Planning Road by a Way of Urban Renewal
作者 許兆慶邱若曄
中文摘要 未開闢都市計畫道路屬公共設施保留地,其使用上受有限制;當政府財政困難無法以徵收方式取得所有權時,即應思考徵收以外之途徑解決。因都市更新與開闢都市計畫道路相同,均有改善公共設施之目的,可解決非都市計畫道路卻實際供通行之既成道路問題;在都市更新法制給予容積獎勵之誘因下,更促使都市更新實施者有動機開闢都市計畫道路,使政府無庸負擔鉅額財政即可取得未開闢都市計畫道路,又可達成復甦都市機能,改善居住環境之目的,使政府、民間達雙贏之結果。
英文摘要 Unbuilt urban planning road shall be classified as reserved land for future public facilities, the utilization of which shall, therefore, be restrict-ed. When the government is unable to acquire proprietary right by expro-priation due to financial difficulty, other solution except for expropriation shall be considered by all means. Both urban renewal and development of urban planning road have the same purpose of improving public facilities so as to solve the problem where non-urban-planning road has already been de facto passed by public as existing road. With the incentive of bulk reward under urban planning framework, it promotes the motivation of urban renewal executor to build urban planning road and acquire unbuilt urban planning road without making the government to face heavy finan-cial burden. By doing so, it could also revive urban function and reach the purpose of improving resident environment to a win-win stage among the government and the people.
起訖頁 85-115
關鍵詞 都市更新都市計畫未開闢計畫道路公共設施保留地既成道路容積移轉不動產估價徵收Urban RenewalUrban PlanningUnbuilt Urban Planning RoadReserved Land for Public FacilitiesExisting RoadTransfer of Development RightsReal Estate ValuationExpropriation
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 201809 (53期)
DOI 10.3966/181646412018090053003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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