篇名 | 國土計畫法與全國國土計畫之合憲性問題──以地方都市計畫權限保障為中心 |
並列篇名 | The Constitutional Problems of Spatial Planning Act and National Spatial Plan: Concentrated on Protection for Local Government’s Urban Planning Authority |
作者 | 林明鏘 |
中文摘要 | 依據2015年所頒布之國土計畫法授權之「全國國土計畫草案」將於2018年5月實施。關於該草案之爭議已於學界廣為討論。其中,國土計畫法具有管制全國性土地使用,並提出國土功能分區之使用指導功能,然而,國土計畫法採取國土使用許可制,且要求地方土地計畫須遵循全國國土計畫,並允許中央得代地方擬定或變更計畫,地方不服者也僅有一次復議機會,均有過度侵害地方自治權限之嫌。其次,國土計畫中相關程序欠缺正當法律程序,亦有違憲之虞。最後,中央負責國土計畫制訂權限亦有違反中央與地方權限劃分原則。本文主要探討國土計畫法及全國國土計畫之合憲性,並於文後提出五項建議,以供日後中央主管機關實施國土計畫或修正國土計畫法及相關法令時參考及審視。 |
英文摘要 | “The Draft of National Spatial Planning” authorized by Spatial Planning Act issued in 2015 will be enforced in May, 2018. Disputes concerning this draft have been discussed in the academic ecology of Taiwan. First of all, Spatial Planning Act functions on regulatory measures for land use control and proposition of use guidelines for functional zones of national land. Nevertheless, it is deemed to excessively infringe the local self-governed authority for Spatial Planning Act in that this act applies to land use permit systems, commands local spatial plans not conflict with the National spatial plan, permits central government independently drafting and amending local urban plans without local authorization. Moreover, the local authority is permitted to file application for reconsideration only once if local governments are not satisfied with the decision. Secondly, the relevant processes of spatial planning lacks in due process, which is considered unconstitutional. Last but not least, that the central government is in charge of enacting spatial plans is disobedient to the principle of the central government and local government’s power partition. This article dominantly makes an approach to the constitutionality of Spatial Planning Act and National Spatial Plan, and advises five pieces of advice to offer the central authority references or supervision guidelines when implementing or amending spatial plans. |
起訖頁 | 1-21 |
關鍵詞 | 國土計畫法、都市計畫法、全國國土計畫、地方都市計畫、中央權限、地方自治權限、正當法律程序、國土功能分區、復議、合憲性、Spatial Planning Act、Urban Planning Act、National、Spa-tial Plan、Local Urban Plan、Central Authority、Local Self-Governed Authority、Due Process、Functional Zones of Land、Reconsideration、Constitutionality |
刊名 | 財產法暨經濟法 |
出版單位 | 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會 |
期數 | 201803 (51期) |
DOI | 10.3966/181646412018030051001 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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