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Judicial Review of Urban Renewal Events
作者 黃相博
中文摘要 都市更新具有都市計畫之性質,為行政計畫之一環,本質上屬於公共事務,原則上公行政任務應由享有計畫高權之國家或地方自治團體自行為之。但如依法將相關事務交由人民自行辦理時,為了避免因而弱化國家對於人民之給付及保護義務,國家或地方自治團體仍應依相關管制規範,為必要之介入及監督,而負起一定的擔保責任。準此,主管機關對都更程序之進行,應為必要之監督,以善盡對人民之保護義務。都市更新不僅具有公共利益,也涉及人民應受憲法保障之財產權及居住自由等基本權利,都市更新一直是爭議性極大的社會議題之一,於是本文擬從據以聲請大法官釋字709號解釋的四個案例出發,觀察這幾年來法院對於都市更新案件的判決,試圖整理出一個脈絡。首先就就都市更新的定義與程序做一簡介,其後說明關於都市更新的訴訟救濟程序,就所涉及的主要爭點分述免除訴願程序、都更訴訟之當事人適格、都更程序中的之行政處分與都更之行政訴訟類型,再舉數例整理都市更新裁判,評析都更程序之正當行政程序與都更審議委員會之判斷餘地與判斷瑕疵,期以都市更新藉由慎重的正當行政程序形成處分之內容,以確保其合法性。
英文摘要 Urban renewal is part of urban planning, with the characteristic feature of public affair, should primarily be performed by the state or the local governments. However, the Urban renewal related matters, by law, could also be transferred to the people. If so, the state or the local governments are still expected to take the responsibilities of supervision and intervention (if necessary), in order to provide assurance accountability and protection obligations. As such, the central or the local administrative authorities are responsible for the urban renewal programs and outcome by providing necessary supervision and protection obligations for the people involved. Urban renewal, not only presenting the attribute of public interests but also referring to the basic human right of property and freedom of residence protected by constitution, is a social issue with continuous controversy. In this study, it will be started first by examining the four cases of Constitutional Interpretation, No. 709, exploring the urban renewal related judgments of the courts, and presenting the contours and context of urban renewal related controversies. Next, urban renewal definition and its related procedures, followed by the Administrative Appeal proceeding, will be introduced and explained. Then, the major arguments involved - including exemption eligibility appeals process, standing of plaintiff, administrative penalty, and types of administrative litigation - will be elucidated. And last, urban renewal due process and urban renewal review board authorized discretion and its defect will be discussed by analyzing some judgment cases. By due process and the contents of the following administrative penalty, the legality of urban renewal will then be assured.
起訖頁 83-123
關鍵詞 都市更新司法審查判斷餘地正當行政程序Urban RenewalJudicial ReviewMargin of AppreciationDue Administrative Process
刊名 財產法暨經濟法
出版單位 臺灣財產法暨經濟法研究協會
期數 201712 (50期)
DOI 10.3966/181646412017120050003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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