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Status of Same-Sex Marriage Legislation in Japan
作者 曾我部真裕
中文摘要 本文提供日本同性婚姻立法狀況之概覽。儘管部分日本立法者提倡透過立法承認同性婚姻,支持傳統家庭觀的保守派依然占據日本國會的多數。日本國憲法第24條雖為婚姻相關之規範,其明文規定「婚姻僅能在兩性別的同意為基礎下成立」,部分學者主張憲法保障同性婚姻,另一部分的學者主張憲法禁止同性婚姻。多數學者之見解認為法律有承認同性婚姻之空間。現今有人透過訴訟以尋求法律對同性婚姻之承認,但因日本最高法院會儘量避免宣告法律違憲,其認定日本法律違憲的機率可以說是微乎其微。同時,大眾對於同性婚姻的理解在近年來已漸漸提升,雖然爭取同性婚姻的道路不容易,但這依然是個可以在未來持續追蹤的有趣議題。
英文摘要 This article provides an overview of the status of same-sex marriage legislation in Japan. While there are lawmakers in Japan who advocate for recognition of same-sex marriage through legislation, conservatives committed to the traditional family view predominate in the Diet. Article 24 of the Constitution is a provision on marriage, but because it states that “marriage shall be established solely on the basis of the consent of both sexes,” there are a few scholars who argue that the Constitution guarantees same-sex marriage, while there are few who argue that it prohibits it. The majority holds that the law can recognize same-sex marriage. There have been lawsuits filed seeking recognition of same-sex marriages, but it is unlikely that the Supreme Court, with its extreme judicial reluctance, would find them unconstitutional. On the other hand, public opinion’s understanding of same-sex marriage has gradually improved in recent years, and while the road is not easy, it will be interesting to see what happens in the future.
起訖頁 1-19
關鍵詞 同性婚姻日本憲法平等原則ame-sex Marriagethe Constitution of Japanthe Equality Principle
刊名 National Taiwan University Law Review
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
期數 202003 (15:1期)
DOI 10.3966/181263242020031501001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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