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The History of Administrative Law in Taiwan under the Japanese Rule Era (1895-1945): A Neglected Yet Valuable Piece of Legal History for Research
作者 李建良
中文摘要 行政法內涵的醞釀、生成、演化與蛻變,莫不受到各該政經社文 的深刻影響;行政法的研究,不能忽略行政作用所處的社會實況與歷 史情境,故行政法的發展與遞嬗過程,構成行政法學研究領域不可或 缺的一環。審視臺灣當前行政法教科書的內容,可以發現其所述行政 法的發展,大抵以歐陸(特別是德國)國家的發展歷程為論述重心, 較少論及臺灣行政法的歷史沿革,或多從中華民國肇建時談起,忽略 日治時期的法制發展。若謂行政法的內涵深受各該政經社文的影響, 有其歷史的延續性與縱深性,則日治時期臺灣行政法史的探索,自是 臺灣行政法史不可斷裂的一環。本乎「斯土斯法」的法律史觀,本文 以歷來實際施行於臺灣的行政法為研究對象,先就日治時期臺灣憲法體制述其要旨,再進一步剖析日治時期臺灣行政法制的演進與特徵, 最後綜整近代臺灣行政法的法制變遷,嘗試從實踐情況中汲取歷史啟 示,找出貼近臺灣人民生活經驗與法律感情的規範原則,期對臺灣行 政法史的建立有所助益。
英文摘要 The social and historical context should not be ignored in administrative legal studies because the gestation, generation, evolution, and transformation of the connotations of administrative laws are inevitably deeply influenced by the surrounding politics, economics, society, and culture. This is why research on the development and evolution of administration law plays a crucial role in administrative legal studies. A review of Taiwanese administrative law textbooks shows that administrative legal history related articles are mainly focused on the development of administrative law in Continental European countries (especially Germany). Taiwanese administrative laws’ development is rarely addressed. If it was addressed, the article usually starts with the establishment of the Republic of China, ignoring the administrative law developments under the Japanese Rule Era in Taiwan. However, since the connotations of administrative laws are deeply influenced by the surrounding politics, economics, society, and culture, exploring Taiwanese administrative law during the period of Japanese rule is crucial in understanding the development of Taiwanese administrative law. Taking the legal history view of ’’focusing on the law of the land’’, this paper selects all the administrative laws that were previously implemented in Taiwan as research subjects. This paper will first provide an overview of the constitutional system under Japanese Rule Era in Taiwan. Next, it will explain and analyze the development and characteristics of administrative laws under Japanese Rule Era.Finally, this paper will provide a comprehensive observation of the development of modern Taiwanese administrative law while trying to draw historical lessons from the implementation situations of these laws, identifying the normative principles that are in line with the life experiences and legal emotions of Taiwanese people. This paper is expected to benefit the establishment of Taiwanese administrative legal history.
起訖頁 285-334
關鍵詞 臺灣行政法日治時期法律史行政法法源臺灣地方制度Taiwanese Administrative LawJapanese Rule Era in TaiwanLegal HistorySources of Administrative LawTaiwanese Local Government System
刊名 National Taiwan University Law Review
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
期數 201909 (14:2期)
DOI 10.3966/181263242019091402003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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