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Disaster Laws and Management Authorities in Taiwan(1945-2019)
作者 郭詠華
中文摘要 災害治理包含減緩、整備、應變、重建之不同階段,各階段的治 理災害互相牽連影響,而處理當前災害的成效,也影響了未來的災害 風險和衝擊程度。災害的發生與治理,形成連續不斷的循環過程。為 了深入而完整地探討臺灣災害治理的長期變遷,本文檢視臺灣自1945 年起迄今,中華民國法制下歷來的災害治理法規與災害防救政府組織 及其權責。詳言之,臺灣的災害法制發展可分為二個時期。在1945 至1999年間的第一階段,災害治理以行政權為主導,透過地方行政命 令與總統緊急命令,來因應災害應變、善後與救助事宜。災害防救機 構限於地方政府內的臨時性組織,處理即將發生之災害事件或已發生 之災害損失,較少關注減緩災害的面向。自2000年起,臺灣進入災害 治理的第二階段,由立法權積極制定與修正〈災害防救法〉,建立全 國的災害治理法律框架與災害防救政府體系。針對特定重大災害後的 需求與難題,立法院亦迅速通過〈莫拉克颱風災後重建特別條例〉, 作為災後重建的規範基礎。然而,在多次修法之後,治理災害的政府 組織與職權仍然相當破碎、分散。本文建議臺灣應建立災害治理事宜 的專職機關,賦予其充分職權與資源,致力於長期規劃與協調跨政府 部門、層級的災害治理工作。此外,地方政府與社群的災害減緩、整 備、應變、與重建能力,也必須受到重視和提升。藉由納入在地知識 與多元意見,將使臺灣更能依據特定的社會、文化、環境等具體脈絡 來擬定政策與法律,減少災害風險與調適災害衝擊。
英文摘要 Disaster is a continuous process in that its mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery all influence one another, and even the risk as well as the severity of the next disaster. To fully realize disaster management and its issues in Taiwan, this paper examines disaster laws and management authorities throughout the ROC rule beginning in 1945. According to this research, the history of disaster management in Taiwan can be divided into two periods. From 1945 to 1999, disaster effects were primarily handled by the executive power through local administrative regulations and presidential emergency decrees. These measures focused on response to an imminent disaster and recovery from damage already sustained, but they overlooked the important task of averting disasters. Since 2000 to the present, the legislature has actively passed and amended statutes to establish a national legal framework of disaster management and to address specific issues caused by major disasters. However, even after making legal reforms, fragmented authorities remain a problem for successful disaster management in Taiwan. This paper suggests that Taiwan needs an agency with sufficient power and resources to make long-term plans and coordinate intragovernmental efforts when facing disasters. In addition, it is important to increase the capacity of local governments to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from disasters. By incorporating local knowledge and diverse opinions of the affected people, Taiwan may better reduce disaster risks and adapt to impacts according to specific social, cultural, and environmental contexts.
起訖頁 219-283
關鍵詞 災害治理災害法之循環災害防救組織與權責災害防救法由下而上治理模式Disaster Management AuthorityCycle of Disaster LawDisaster Prevention and Protection Organization and MissionDisaster Prevention and Protection ActBottom-up Approach
刊名 National Taiwan University Law Review
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
期數 201909 (14:2期)
DOI 10.3966/181263242019091402002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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