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Family Law in Taiwan: Historical Legacies and Current Issues
作者 陳韻如黃詩淳
中文摘要 本文以法律全球化的視點,檢討臺灣家庭法的主要歷史變遷、 特徵與現代課題。首先介紹的是傳統中國法、近代日本法與戰後國 民黨所帶來的中華民國法,以及這些在歷史上接續而來的法律體 系,如何構成了今日「多源」的臺灣家庭法。之後,本文進一步梳 理結婚、離婚及親子法的變遷,包括近期發生的同性、跨境婚姻、 高齡者扶養及成年監護等新議題。綜合言之,臺灣家庭法的發展, 可以視為一種「全球化脈絡下的在地發展」。亦即,臺灣家庭法的 變遷與現狀,一方面顯示了全球化的浪潮,另一方面也是此浪潮於 在地的特定文化與時空脈絡化的適應、轉化或妥協。除了考察制定 法的條文與司法裁判的轉變外,本文也使用相關統計數據以及法學 文獻,以便國際讀者理解臺灣的社會變遷,以及掌握近來的若干法 學研究成果,以作為進一步研究之基礎。
英文摘要 This article provides a bird’s-eye view of Taiwan family law by highlighting its major historical transformations, special characteristics and current issues. It begins with a historical outline of the successive legal regimes which brought in multiple sources of Taiwan family law, namely the traditional Chinese legal system, the colonial Japanese law and the post-war KMT law. It then examines the transformations of laws on marriage, divorce, parent-children relationship, as well as significant issues, such as same-sex marriage, cross-border marriage, elderly support, and adult guardianship. Overall, the development of Taiwan family law could be seen as local development in the global context. This article offers a tentative analysis of the features which could be understood as the manifestations of global trends as well as their adaption or metamorphosis in specific cultural and local settings. In addition to legal developments, this article also highlights recent scholarly trends in the area of Taiwanese family law in order to provide a starting point for further research.
起訖頁 157-218
關鍵詞 臺灣家庭法(身分法)全球化國家社會歷史TaiwanFamily LawGlobalizationStateSocietyHistor
刊名 National Taiwan University Law Review
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
期數 201909 (14:2期)
DOI 10.3966/181263242019091402001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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