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A Maker or an Infringer? 3D Printing Technology and Patent Infringing Liability: Taiwan Perspectives
作者 陳皓芸
中文摘要 本文探討涉及3D列印之專利侵權相關爭議,並嘗試分析專利權保護與專利法第59條第1項第1款非商業目的之未公開行為的豁免規定間的潛在衝突。3D列印所具備之下列二點特徵,已在專利法制中引起波瀾。首先,3D列印實現了「數位製造」與「虛擬物體」的傳輸;其次,3D列印機的普及,促進「個人製造」的勃興。「數位製造」與「虛擬物體」的傳輸,使得專利權侵害更易於使用者社群中發生;而「個人製造」則是得力於3D列印機的小型化以及網上3D列印檔案分享平台的興起,則於專利權侵害發生之際,相關使用者及平台管理者的責任為何,即值探究。本文立基於3D列印的前述特徵,以臺灣專利法為背景,分析涉及3D列印的相關侵權議題。於簡述3D列印的法律爭議以及3D列印的製造流程後,本文試圖釐清於涉及3D列印的情形下,利害關係人於行為各階段牽涉的法律責任,並就數位時代下,終端消費者易構成專利侵權此一趨勢及其因應,略抒己見。
英文摘要 This article focuses on patent infringement issues associated with 3D printing, and conducts an analysis on the potential conflict between protection of patent rights and non-commercial private use in the context of 3D printing technology. Two characteristics of 3D printing are bringing challenges to patent law. First, 3D printing enables “digital manufacturing” and distribution of “virtual objects” via the Internet. Computer-Aided Design (CAD) files of existing patented products or key parts of existing patented products can be delivered instantly through the internet, and anyone having these files can “print out” the patented products or key parts with a 3D printer. This process thus increases the possibility for users to intentionally or negligently infringe existing patent rights. Second, 3D printing technology promotes “personal manufacturing”. Small 3D printers with reasonable prices are available for individuals, and there are many online platforms available to those who want to share designs of objects that can be manufactured with a 3D printer. Benefiting from these characteristics, end users are expected to perform a more decisive role in patent disputes than ever. Based on these characteristics, this article provides a comprehensive study of the Taiwan Patent Act, addressing the issues of 3D printing and patent infringement. Specifically, Part I explains the background of the issues. Part II explains the manufacturing process of 3D printing. Part III examines potential patent infringement liabilities in each step of the 3D printing process explained in the Part II, especially those related to digital manufacturing. Part IV discribes the rising of end-user infringement, and explores its impacts on patent law.

起訖頁 259-280
關鍵詞 3D列印積層製造電腦輔助設計專利專利侵權共同侵權3D PrintingAdditive ManufacturingComputer-aided DesignPatentPatent InfringementJoint Infringement
刊名 National Taiwan University Law Review
出版單位 國立臺灣大學法律學系
期數 201709 (12:2期)
DOI 10.3966/181263242017091202003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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