篇名 | New Technology, New Information Privacy: Social-Value-Oriented Information Privacy Theory |
並列篇名 | 新興科技下之資訊隱私︰社會價值取向之資訊隱私理論 |
作者 | 張陳弘 |
中文摘要 | 新興資訊科技的發展所形成個資蒐集、使用的難以察覺性與難以預測性,嚴重地衝擊著現行資訊隱私保護制度設計的基本想法:透過賦予個資主體自主決定權以保護資訊隱私。蓋個資主體難以察覺個資的被使用,因而無從主張資訊隱私保障,使得強調個人控制權的資訊隱私保護制度,愈加顯得力有未逮。然而,一味貫徹個資主體的自主決定權,亦將妨礙資訊自由流通所可能帶來之公共利益。再加上因資訊科技的不斷革新,使得仰賴個資自由流通所能獲取的公共利益愈趨多樣化,在質、量上皆不斷增加,公共利益追求的評價逐漸凌駕於個人資訊隱私權保護利益之上。因此,過度偏重個資主體自主決定的個人利益之主張,將使得資訊隱私權在面對公共利益追求的壓迫下,處於弱勢地位。此外,過度強調個人價值的隱私主張,亦將使得國家甚難取得著力點介入私人間事務。資訊隱私理論及保護制度的修正方向,應朝向改善上述缺失處著手。其中最重要的關鍵之處乃在於導入資訊隱私的社會價值面向,以提供政府出面承擔起個資主體無法靠一己之力保護隱私部分的理論基礎,並提供資訊隱私與公共利益抗衡的力量。 |
英文摘要 | Today’s innovative technologies offer remarkable advantages in our daily lives, but they also give rise to concerns that these technological advancements will adversely impact individuals’ privacy. The traditional notions of information privacy were based on personal control over data about oneself, an antiqued notion in a time where pervasive surveillance has rendered it nearly impossible for individuals to protect information privacy on their own. Key privacy concerns arise because it is nearly impossible to be left out of the intertwined digital and Internet world. Those who choose not to use the Internet, smartphones, tablet computers, electronic mail and online social network platforms, nevertheless remain trapped in the inescapable digital net, with others able to track their personal data. This essay includes suggestions for reconstructing traditional privacy theories. The traditional notice-and-choice principle has failed to protect the information privacy. Privacy should be determined by both individuals’ subjective feelings and objective social norms. The government has a constitutional obligation to protect the right to privacy by constructing basic information privacy protection principles. Furthermore, this essay proposes an approach to constructing a social-value-oriented information privacy theory. Among others, in determining the context of privacy, if no social precedents are available, the particular social activity’s consequences, purposes, and values may first be identified, and then these results may be used to trace back to the starting point and consider how to regulate social activities. 新興資訊科技的發展所形成個資蒐集、使用的難以察覺性與難以預測性,嚴重地衝擊著現行資訊隱私保護制度設計的基本想法: 透過賦予個資主體自主決定權以保護資訊隱私。蓋個資主體難以察覺個資的被使用,因而無從主張資訊隱私保障,使得強調個人控制權的資訊隱私保護 制度,愈加顯得力有未逮。然而,一味貫徹個資主體的自主決定權,亦將妨礙資訊自由流通所可能帶來之公共利益。再加上因資訊科技的不斷革新,使 得仰賴個資自由流通所能獲取的公共利益愈趨多樣化,在質、量上皆不斷增加,公共利益追求的評價逐漸凌駕於個人資訊隱私權保護利益之上。因此, 過度偏重個資主體自主決定的個人利益之主張,將使得資訊隱私權在面對公共利益追求的壓迫下,處於弱勢地位。此外,過度強調個人價值的隱私主張 ,亦將使得國家甚難取得著力點介入私人間事務。資訊隱私理論及保護制度的修正方向,應朝向改善上述缺失處著手。其中最重要的關鍵之處乃在於導 入資訊隱私的社會價值面向,以提供政府出面承擔起個資主體無法靠一己之力保護隱私部分的理論基礎,並提供資訊隱私與公共利益抗衡的力量。 |
起訖頁 | 127-175 |
關鍵詞 | 資訊隱私、隱私權、巨量資料、大數據、告知後同意、公平資訊實踐原則、Information Privacy、Right to Privacy、Big Data、Online Privacy、Notice-and-Choice Principle |
刊名 | National Taiwan University Law Review |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣大學法律學系 |
期數 | 201503 (10:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/181263242015031001004 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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