篇名 | Japanese Supreme Court: An Introduction |
並列篇名 | 日本最高法院運作初探 |
作者 | 川岸令和 |
中文摘要 | 日本最高法院在近年來引起許多學術討論,特別是有關其憲法思維。雖然數個東南亞國家都分享相同的法律繼受遺產,但在個別國家的憲法實踐上卻出現分化的面貌。川岸令和教授分享了一個關於日本公布和平憲法後,最高法院作為憲法法院與其憲法解釋的深入分析。此一討論闡示了作為日本最高法院基礎的複雜因素,在討論中與談人詢問許多具有洞見的問題,並且提出理論以比較不同國家的法律制度。與談人從非常不同的角度切入此一議題,此一深具啟發性的講座揭示了司法體系內的文化與其對憲法法理的衝擊。 |
英文摘要 | The Japanese Supreme Court has generated a lot of scholarly discussion in recent years, particularly in relation to its constitutional deliberation. Although several South East Asian countries share similar legal heritage, there is a divergence in the constitutional practices of the individual countries. Professor Norikazu Kawagishi shared an in-depth analysis of the Japanese Supreme Court as a constitutional court and its constitutional interpretations since the promulgation of the peace constitution. The discussion illuminates the intricacies that underlie the function of the Supreme Court. Insightful questions were asked and theories proposed as comparisons were undertaken between the various jurisdictions. The discussants approached the topic from very different perspectives. An enlightening lecture unravels the culture inside the judicial benches and its impact on constitutional jurisprudence. |
起訖頁 | 231-261 |
關鍵詞 | 日本最高法院、憲法解釋、司法制度、憲法政治 |
刊名 | National Taiwan University Law Review |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣大學法律學系 |
期數 | 201303 (8:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/181263242013030801006 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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