篇名 | 外籍與中籍幼兒英語教師課堂教學之比較研究 |
並列篇名 | Native and non-native English speaking teachers in kindergarten classrooms |
作者 | 李貞瑩 |
中文摘要 | 目前有關外籍和中籍英語教師差異的文獻主要依賴自我報告的數據,本研究則分析此兩種幼兒英語教師課室言談並輔以訪談資料以確認他們不同的教學風格。研究結果發現,中籍教師在課堂中會靈活運用中、英文以達到教學及溝通的目的。外籍教師則全程使用英文,與學生有溝通障礙並有課堂紀律的問題,但會使用較豐富的辭彙、不同的句型及更多例子來解釋新字,與學生會有更長且更頻繁的社交談話。除了教師的語言能力,本研究顯示教師的信念、態度、教學策略也是影響他們形成不同教學風格的因素。 |
英文摘要 | Previous studies on the differences between native and non-native English-speaking teachers have relied mainly on self-reported data, whereas this study examines the actual classroom discourse of kindergarten native and non-native English-speaking teachers to identify their teaching styles with supplementary data from interviews. The results show that the non-native English speaking teacher (NNEST) benefited from sharing learners L1 (Chinese), code-switched between English and Chinese flexibly, and used Chinese effectively for various pedagogical and communication purposes. In contrast, the native speaking teacher (NEST) used English exclusively and had a communication gap with learners. The NNEST adopted more strategies to maintain classroom discipline, whereas the NEST had a serious problem maintaining classroom discipline. However, the NNEST, who owns superior English competence, used a fuller range of lexicons and syntactic structures with multiple examples to illustrate a new word, and had longer, more frequent social talks with learners. In addition to teachers linguistic competence, data also show that teacher beliefs, attitudes and teaching strategies are influential variables to consider in interpreting their diverse teaching styles. |
起訖頁 | 001-022 |
關鍵詞 | 課室言談、外籍英語教師、中籍英語教師、幼兒英語教學、教學風格、classroom discourse、native English speaking teacher、non-native English speaking teacher、early childhood English language education、teaching style |
刊名 | 語文與國際研究期刊 |
出版單位 | 文藻外語大學 |
期數 | 201506 (13期) |
DOI | 10.3966/181147172015060013001 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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