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Analyses on the Used Vocabulary in the Corpus of Taiwanese Learner of Japanese (CTLJ): Comparisons between CTLJ and Self-Constructed Natural Corpus
作者 黃淑妙
中文摘要 本論文針對台灣日語學習者語料庫(CTLJ)之原文部分,先以詞素解析器MeCab將其中之語彙加以分割,針對解析錯誤,前後歷時三年並經兩次校正後,再進行使用語彙分析。為了凸顯學習者語彙之特徵,分析時透過與筆者自行建構之自然語料庫進行比較。
英文摘要 This paper presents an in-depth analysis of the use of vocabulary covered by the Corpus of Taiwanese Learner of Japanese. Our method consists, firstly, in applying the Japanese morphological analyzer, MeCab, to segment vocabularies of the original writings in Japanese in CTLJ, and then proceeding with morpheme-level analysis of errors in grammar and usage, which process has been repeated twice in the recent three years. In order to highlight the words characteristic of the Taiwanese Learners’ Japanese, comparisons are made between CTLJ and a corpus of current Japanese, which have been constructed by the author.
The result indicates that the number of morpheme tokens used in the original students’ essays in Japanese in CTLJ is more than 390 thousand, or around 13 thousand morpheme types. The number of nouns amounts to 7,400, which accounts for 57.2% of morpheme types. The number of verbs is 3,100 (24.2%). In addition, comparisons between CTLJ and the above-mentioned natural corpus help the instructors to grasp the actual situations of how the learners use and reveal what sort of items are particularly prone to error, thereby enabling them to provide apt and systematic instructions to the learners.
起訖頁 071-096
關鍵詞 語料庫詞素出現頻率易錯語彙Corpusmorphemesfrequency of occurrenceprone-to-error vocabulary
刊名 語文與國際研究期刊
出版單位 文藻外語大學
期數 201406 (11期)
DOI 10.3966/181147172014060011003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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