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Estereotipos regionales en el chiste espanol y chino
作者 何萬儀
中文摘要 各文化中對自身或其他文化的某些種族、人民或社會群體或多或少皆存在刻板印象。反言之,種種刻板印象也建構出各個文化的獨特風貌。本文試以笑話為材,比較、分析中國人及西班牙人對其本國某社會群體所形成之普遍刻板印象,藉由探索兩國產生之刻板印象的成因和影響,深入了解雙方對其國內群體的固化認知,將文化訊息融入外語教學之中,並營造愉悅的教室氣氛。
英文摘要 All the cultures have stereotypes toward different ethnic groups, peoples or social classes both of the same culture and on foreign cultures, and in inverse sense, the stereotypes also are a part of the culture. In this article we propose to compare and analyze the stereotypes of certain Chinese and Spanish groups in the jokes. We try to examine the origin and function of the stereotypes in order to understand better the cognitive-structural concepts that those peoples have toward certain social groups in both countries, and to integrate the cultural component in the second language teaching and learning, as well as to encourage the atmosphere of the classroom.
起訖頁 001-028
關鍵詞 刻板印象 笑話 中文 西班牙文 stereotypesjokes ChineseSpanish
刊名 語文與國際研究期刊
出版單位 文藻外語大學
期數 201312 (10期)
DOI 10.3966/181147172013120010001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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