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Cough-Induced Rib Fracture: an Unusual Cause of Acute Chest Pain
作者 瞿裕昌吳元暉蔡光超侯民波
中文摘要 肋骨骨折是在急診室常見的損傷,其中最常發生鈍性胸外傷,但劇烈或持續咳嗽也能相關的一些併發症,如氣胸和肋骨骨折。我們報告一個 50 歲的男子間歇性的咳嗽8 天,劇烈的陣發性咳嗽發作後右胸痛突然發作。胸部 X 光顯示無異常。其後的胸部電腦斷層發現右第八肋骨側面線性非位移性骨折。如病人表現為長期或嚴重的咳嗽,一但突然胸痛發作時應懷疑咳嗽引起的肋骨骨折。病患接受內科治療改善後隔天就平安出院。
英文摘要 Rib fractures are common injuries seen in the emergency department, and occur most of-ten following blunt thoracic trauma. However, violent or sustained coughing can also cause complications such as pneumothorax and rib fracture. We report a 50-year-old man who pre-sented to the emergency department with an intermittent nonproductive cough for 8 days and sudden onset of right side chest pain after an episode of violent paroxysmal coughing. The initial chest radiograph did not reveal a rib fracture. Subsequent chest computed tomography demonstrated a linear nondisplaced fracture at the lateral aspect of the right 8th rib. The pa-tient gradually improved after medical treatment and was discharged the next day.
起訖頁 213-216
關鍵詞 咳嗽胸痛肋骨骨折coughchest painrib fracture
刊名 輔仁醫學期刊
出版單位 輔仁大學醫學院
期數 201612 (14:4期)
DOI 10.3966/181020932016121404005  複製DOI  DOI申請

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