篇名 | 腦組織氧氣分壓監測器運用於創傷性腦損傷病人之研究 |
並列篇名 | Application of Brain Tissue Oxygen Monitoring in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury |
作者 | 孫靜軒、陳健驊、林乾閔、林家瑋、蔡維謀、邱文達 |
中文摘要 | 多重腦部監測系統是目前在神經重症加護單位最重要的功能系統,能夠監測重要的生理參數,包含顱內壓、腦灌流壓、平均動脈壓、動脈氧氣分壓、頸靜脈氧氣濃度和潮氣末二氧化碳壓。對於嚴重創傷性腦損傷病人使用腦組織氧氣分壓監測器可以進一步的提供腦部氧氣傳輸及代謝情形的資訊。腦組織氧氣分壓監測器可偵測腦部氧氣供需與濃度變化,然而目前對於使用腦組織氧氣分壓監測器仍然存在許多爭議:例如最佳使用時機為何?適宜監測部位及使用期限多久?使用後是否真能改善傷者的預後結果?所有的爭議將藉由此篇文獻回顧做一個完整的呈現。從實證醫學的角度證實創傷性腦損傷病人有較高的風險發生續發性腦損傷,使用腦組織氧氣分壓監測器可持續的監測傷者腦部的損傷變化。多重腦部監測系統是安全、便利且高敏感度的診斷工具,同時也能使創傷性腦損傷病人避免出現續發性腦部缺血缺氧的風險,全面降低傷者的死亡率。 |
英文摘要 | Multiple cerebral monitoring system is now the most essential facility in neurocritical care units. For patients with severe traumatic brain injury (TBI), understand the oxygen transport and cerebral metabolism, the brain tissue oxygen monitor can directly provide these data in patients with traumatic brain injury. Many controversial issues remained unsolved: What is the best timing to use this? What are the optimal site and duration for monitoring? Does brain tissue oxygen monitoring really improve the outcome of the prognosis? All these issues will be extensively discussed in this article. From the perspective of evidence-based medicine, patients who are at risk of disastrous secondary brain injury following the primary traumatic brain injury are all indicated for brain tissue oxygen monitor. Multiple cerebral monitoring system, this modality is not only a safe, robust, and highly sensitivity diagnostic tool, but can also lower overall mortality rates by avoiding cerebral ischemia after traumatic brain injury. |
起訖頁 | 098-103 |
關鍵詞 | 腦組織氧氣、顱內壓、創傷性腦損傷、肺功能、brain tissue oxygenation、intracranial pressure、traumatic brain injury、pulmonary function |
刊名 | 輔仁醫學期刊 |
出版單位 | 輔仁大學醫學院 |
期數 | 201606 (14:2期) |
DOI | 10.3966/181020932016061402007 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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