篇名 | 異時性雙側坐骨臀肌滑液囊炎:病例報告 |
並列篇名 | Metachronous Bilateral Ischiogluteal Bursitis: A Case Report |
作者 | 林昭智、徐俊賢、簡嘉良、魯子全、林致穎 |
中文摘要 | 坐骨臀肌滑液囊炎為少見之疾患,其特徵為臀部中央疼痛,痛有可能會往下延伸至小腿。我們報告一例83 歲男性有異時性雙側坐骨臀肌滑液囊炎,在六個月內兩次發生。病人接受兩次的手術切除。此病例強調成功治療後預防復發或是對側患病的重要性。 |
英文摘要 | Ischiogluteal bursitis is an uncommon disorder, characterized by pain over the center of the buttock that may radiate down the leg. We report a case of 83-year-old man had metachronous bilateral ischiogluteal bursitis, with both instances of bursitis occurring within a 6-month period. He underwent surgical excision twice. The case highlights the importance of the prevention of recurrence or contralateral involvement after successful treatment. |
起訖頁 | 061-065 |
關鍵詞 | 坐骨臀肌滑液囊炎、織女臀、滑液囊、ischiogluteal bursitis、Weaver's bottom、bursa |
刊名 | 輔仁醫學期刊 |
出版單位 | 輔仁大學醫學院 |
期數 | 201503 (13:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/181020932015031301007 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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