篇名 | 台灣和美國婦女產後3 週哺餵母乳問題之比較性研究 |
並列篇名 | A Comparison of Taiwanese and American Breastfeeding Mothers’ Self-reported Problems at Three Weeks Postpartum |
作者 | 戈依莉、黃玉珠 |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的在利用母乳哺餵經驗量表(BES)確認台灣和美國婦女在產後3 週不同的哺乳問題。方法:運用母乳哺餵經驗量表的問卷,共完成72 位台灣和55 位美國自然產的初產婦比較。結果:台灣母親與美國母親在BES 的差異分別是: 台灣母親在BES得到較高分數排序為「擔心嬰兒沒有得到足夠的乳汁」(p <0.02, χ2)、「擔心寶寶的體重增加」(p <0.007, χ2)及「職業婦女難兼顧工作和哺餵母乳」(p <0.001, χ2)。而美國母親在BES 得到較高分數分別為「乳頭疼痛」(p < .0001, χ2) 及「感到緊張和不知所措」(p<0.003, χ2)。結論:台灣和美國的產後婦女確有存在哺乳經驗的差異。建議未來宜進行更詳細的質性研究以鑑別影響原因,同時臨床人員宜提供具文化敏感性的健康照護介入措施,以解決早期母乳哺餵問題。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study was to determine whether the breastfeeding problems of Taiwanese and American mothers differed at 3 weeks postpartum, as measured by the Breastfeeding Experience Scale (BES). Methods: Seventy-two Taiwanese and 55 American Primiparae who had experienced spontaneous vaginal deliveries completed two questionnaires: one to record socio-demographic characteristics and the other for self- report of breast-feeding problems – the Breastfeeding Experience Scale (BES) (higher scores on the BES indicated more concerns in a particular dimension). Results: Taiwanese mothers had higher scores on the BES items “worry baby was not getting enough milk” (p <0.02, χ2), “worry about baby’s weight gain” (p <0.007, χ2), and “difficulty combining work and breastfeeding” (p <0.001, χ2). American mothers had higher scores on the “sore nipple” (p < .0001, χ2) and “feeling tense and overwhelmed” (p<0.003, χ2) BES items compared to the Taiwanese mothers. Conclusion: These results suggest that differences exist in the breastfeeding experiences of Taiwanese and American women. More detailed descriptive studies should be conducted to identify the causes and possible culturally sensitive health care interventions to address early breastfeeding problems. |
起訖頁 | 015-025 |
關鍵詞 | 母乳哺餵問題、跨文化研究、台灣產婦、美國產婦、Breastfeeding problems、cross cultural study、American mothers、Taiwanese mothers |
刊名 | 輔仁醫學期刊 |
出版單位 | 輔仁大學醫學院 |
期數 | 201503 (13:1期) |
DOI | 10.3966/181020932015031301002 複製DOI DOI申請 |
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