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Relationship between Pre-Sleep Arousal Status and Sleep Quality among the Female RN-BSN Nursing Students
作者 闕可欣張嘉娟
中文摘要 背景和目的:護理在職女學生常必須兼顧工作與學業,導致日常生活習慣改變與睡眠品質問題發生。本研究主旨(1)探討參與者的個人屬性、日常生活習慣、睡前激發狀態、睡眠品質,以及(2)探討護理在職女學生睡眠品質的重要預測因子對睡眠品質七元素的影響。方法:本橫斷性研究立意取樣設計,招募50位20歲以上護理在職女學生為研究對象。以結構式問卷(含個人屬性、中文版睡前激發狀態及睡眠品質量表)做深入探討,針對每位個案進行調查,將所收集之資料編碼整理後,以描述性統計檢視各變項,並依次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差,呈現研究對象的個人屬性與睡眠特質,另利用t檢定與相關分析及多元線性迴歸進行推論統計分析。結果:本護理系在職班女同學平均年齡為32.0(±5.1)歲,BMI平均為23.8(±6.6)kg/m2。其中47(94.0%)位為睡眠困擾者,其入睡時間、睡眠時數、躺床時數、睡眠效率的平均分別是31.2(±20.4)分鐘、5.5(±1.6)小時、7.1(±1.8)小時、81.2(±21.1)%。睡前「被環境的聲音或噪音所困擾」、「感覺口乾舌燥」兩因子是護理在職女學生睡眠品質的重要預測因素;而此兩因子主要造成「主觀的睡眠品質」、「睡眠潛伏期」與「睡眠困擾」三元素的睡眠品質困擾。結論:本研究所得結果,可供未來學校或醫護人員瞭解護理在職女學生睡眠品質的實證知識,做為未來設計符合護理在職女學生睡眠衛生介入的參考,以減輕睡前「被環境的聲音或噪音所困擾」、「感覺口乾舌燥」干擾睡眠品質,改善學生的「主觀的睡眠品質」、「睡眠潛伏期」與「睡眠困擾」狀態。
英文摘要 Background and purpose: Balancing work and school often leads to daily habits changes and sleep quality problems among female RN-BSN nursing students. The aims of this study were (1) to describe the participants’ personal characteristics, daily habits, pre-sleep arousal status and sleep quality and (2) to investigate the predictive factors of sleep quality and their impacts on the seven components of sleep quality. Methods: A purposive sampling with cross-sectional design wad conduct in this study. A survey with structured questionnaires on total of 50 RN-BSN nursing students, aged 20 years or older was completed to determine participants’ pre-sleep arousal status, sleep quality and personal characteristics. Questionnaires including personal characteristics, Presleep Arousal Scale, and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index were used for data collection. Descriptive statistics including frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation were performed to identify personal characteristics and quality of sleep. Student-t test, Pearson correlation test, and linear regression were used to determine inferential statistics. Results: The average age of the female RN-BSN nursing students was 32.0(±5.1), and the average BMI was 23.8(±6.6) kg/m2. A total of 47(94.0%) students had sleep disturbance. The average sleep onset latency, total sleep time, time in bed, and sleep efficiency were 31.2(±20.4) minutes, 5.5(±1.6) hours, 7.1(±1.8) hours and 81.2(±21.1) %, respectively. Pre-sleep "Being distracted by sounds, noise in the environment" and ".Dry feeling in mouth or throat" were the main predictive factors of the sleep quality among RNBSN nursing students. These two factors mainly affected the three components of the sleep quality including "subjective sleep quality", "sleep latency" and "sleep disturbances." Conclusions: This study results provide schools or health practitioners with a reference to design sleep health interventions to reduce the pre-sleep "Being distracted by sounds, noise in the environment" and "Dry feeling in your mouth or throat" to improve "subjective sleep quality", "Sleep latency" and "sleep disturbances" of students.
起訖頁 253-262
關鍵詞 護理在職女學生睡前激發狀態睡眠品質RN-BSN nursing studentspre-sleep arousal statussleep quality
刊名 輔仁醫學期刊
出版單位 輔仁大學醫學院
期數 201412 (12:4期)
DOI 10.3966/181020932014121204005  複製DOI  DOI申請

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