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Investigating Risk and Resource Factors of Freshmen’s Mental Health: A Biopsychosocial Model
作者 陳坤虎王心寧王鵬智陳依蘭葉在庭
中文摘要 背景和研究目的:大一新生正值極易產生心理適應問題的青少年後期階段,而影響大一新生心理健康的因子是值得探究的議題。本研究採用Engel提出的「生理心理社會模式」,探討三個因素中哪些變項可扮演大一新生心理健康之風險及資源因子。方法:本研究進行兩年度的大一新生的普查,收集了他們生理、心理、社會三因素之相關變項。結果:影響大一新生心理健康的風險因子主要來自心理因素的變項,而影響大一新生心理健康的資源因子則是生理、心理、社會因素的變項皆有。結論:本研究支持Engel提出的「生理心理社會模式」,亦即生理、心理、社會各因素中的相關變項,都可能扮演影響大一新生心理健康的關鍵角色。
英文摘要 Background and Purpose: First-year college students in their late teen years are vulnerable to mental adjustment. Factors contributing to their mental health are worth to be investigated. This study used Engel’s biopsychosocial model to investigate which variables could be the risk or resource factors of college freshman’s mental health. Methods: This study collected the college freshmen of two calendar years. Participants filled out the measurements on biological, psychological, and social variables. Results: The main risk factors for this population are psychological variables, and the resource factors are biological, psychological and social variables for college freshman’s mental health. Conclusion: The results supported Engel’s biopsychosocial model; that is, biological, psychological and social related variables played critical roles in college freshman’s mental health.
起訖頁 239-251
關鍵詞 青少年心理健康生理心理社會模式風險因子資源因子adolescencemental healthbiopsychosocial modelrisk factorsresourcefactors
刊名 輔仁醫學期刊
出版單位 輔仁大學醫學院
期數 201412 (12:4期)
DOI 10.3966/181020932014121204004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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