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Comment on the Provisional Remedies under the Labor Litigation Act
作者 陳金泉
中文摘要 勞動事件法乃為落實勞資雙方地位實質平等之精神而制定之法律,而保全程序更是使勞工於取得確定判決前之漫長時間中,能先獲得暫時性保障的重要程序。勞動事件法關於保全程序之規範係從第46條至第50條等5個條文。本文由第49條及第50條之解僱及調動無效訴訟切入,逐一就各條項之規範探討如何適用、區分各種情況之適用可能會面臨之問題,並嘗試提出各該規範於立法上或有不足之處。
英文摘要 The Labor Litigation Act is enacted to implement the substantive equality of labor and management’s positions, and the injunctions maintaining a temporary status (Article 46 to 50) is an essential procedure that provides temporary protection for laborers during the lengthy litigation processes before the final judgment. This article, starting from litigations nullifying a dismissal and transfer under Article 49 and 50, will discuss how to apply each provision, identify possible issues in different scenarios, and attempt to point out the legislative deficiencies therein.
起訖頁 66-84
關鍵詞 定暫時狀態處分繼續僱用裁決勞動事件法Injunctions Maintaining a Temporary StatusContinuous EmploymentJudgmentLabor Litigation Act
刊名 月旦民商法雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201906 (64期)
DOI 10.3966/172717622019060064004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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