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Comment on the General Principles and Mediation Mechanism under the Labor Litigation Act
作者 陳建文
中文摘要 2018年12月5日制定公布之勞動事件法,以迅速、安適、專業、有效、平等處理勞動事件,保障勞資雙方權益及促進勞資關係和諧之法律,為其立法目的。同法第15條將「該法定位為民事訴訟法及強制執行法之特別法,未來有關勞動事件之處理,依該法之規定;該法未規定者,始適用民事訴訟法及強制執行法之規定。本文介紹勞動事件法總則章以及調解程序之規定重點,說明該法對於勞動事件的界定,另介紹同法所提供之各種減少訴訟障礙措施,以及勞動調解機制的組織、程序運作,最後就臺灣勞資爭議處理法制的未來展望提出若干觀察。
英文摘要 The Labor Litigation Act enacted and published on December 5, 2018 is aimed at managing labor disputes in a fast, proper, professional, effective, and fair manner as well as protecting both side’s interests while promoting a harmonious relationship. Article 15 of the said Act states that it serves as a special law to the Code of Civil Procedure and the Compulsory Enforcement Act, and the Labor Litigation Act shall prevail over the two foregoing Acts regarding future labor disputes. This article will illustrate how to determine a labor dispute by introducing the Act’s General Principles, followed by an introduction of the various mechanisms to reduce litigation barriers as well as the structure and operation of labor disputes’ mediation system. Furthermore, a few observations on the prospects of Taiwan’s legal framework for labor-management disputes will be provided at the end of the article.
起訖頁 42-65
關鍵詞 勞動事件法勞動調解 減少訴訟障礙措施勞資爭議處理法制Labor Litigation ActMediation of Labor DisputesMechanisms to Reduce Litigation BarriersLegal Framework for Labor-Management Disputes
刊名 月旦民商法雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201906 (64期)
DOI 10.3966/172717622019060064003  複製DOI  DOI申請

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