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Study on the Combination of Family Events Procedures
作者 陳愛武
中文摘要 數家事事件一同繫屬於法院時,各國家事事件法皆承認其具有合併或統合處理的必要性。家事事件之合併有利於家事紛爭的一次性處理,符合家事糾紛複雜性和牽連性的特質;有利於維護家庭之和平和安寧;有利於未成年子女利益之維護。從域外立法上看,德國、日本、臺灣等皆對家事事件的程序合併作出系統規制。從合併的類型上看,家事事件合併包括家事訴訟事件的自體合併、家事非訟事件的自體合併以及家事訴訟事件與非訟事件的合併等。中國大陸在未來制定家事事件法時,也應當對家事事件之程序合併作出規範。
英文摘要 The Family Event Law of all countries believes that a number of family events should be combined or be treated the same. It can help to solve the disputes by one time and conform to the complexity and implication of family disputes. It is also beneficial to protect the peace and harmony of the family and maintain the interests of minor children. The extraterritorial legislation (Germany, Japan and Taiwan) has made systematic rules on the combination of family events procedures. From the type of merger, family events can be divided into the internal merger of family cases, the internal merger of non-contentious family events and the merger of the two. In the future, the Chinese mainland should also standardize the procedure merger session in Family Event Law.
起訖頁 19-34
關鍵詞 家事事件家事訴訟程序合併Family EventsFamily LitigationCombination of Procedures
刊名 月旦民商法雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201806 (60期)
DOI 10.3966/172717622018060060002  複製DOI  DOI申請

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