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On the Professional Reform of the Family Justice in Mainland China
作者 劉敏
中文摘要 全球家事司法呈現專業化發展趨勢,家事司法專業化包括家事司法機構或組織的專業化、家事司法人員的專業化以及家事司法程序的專門化。近年來,中國大陸進行了家事司法的專業化改革,探索實行家事案件集中管轄,建立家事審判庭,探索家事司法人員的專業化,探索進行家事司法程序改革。中國大陸家事司法改革未來走向是:應當因地制宜設置家事法院和家事審判組織,配置專業化的家事法官和家事司法輔助團隊,儘快完善相關法律。
英文摘要 The global family Justice presents the trend of professional development. Family judicial specialization includes the specialization of a judicial institution or organization, the specialization of family judge and the specialization of family judicial proceedings. In recent years, Mainland China has carried out the professional reform of family Justice, explored the centralized jurisdiction of family affairs cases, established family court, explored the professionalization of family justice personnel, explored the reform of family judicial procedure. The future direction of China’s Family judicial reform is that (1) the family court and the family trial organization should be set up according to local conditions; (2) professional family judges and family judicial assistance teams should be set up; (3) China should Improve relevant laws as soon as possible.
起訖頁 5-18
關鍵詞 家事司法改革家事訴訟專業化家事法院家事法官Family Judicial ReformFamily LitigationProfessionalFamily CourtFamily Judge
刊名 月旦民商法雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201806 (60期)
DOI 10.3966/172717622018060060001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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