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New Development of the General Principles of Civil Law in China
作者 姚志明
中文摘要 民法為私法之基礎法規,其又被稱為私法之母,而民法總則為民法之共通原則,其重要性當不在話下。中國大陸之法律制訂走向大陸法系之成文方式,然並未如同其他大陸法系國家(如德曰等國)制定一部涵蓋民法總則、債編、物權編、親屬編及繼承編之「民法典」。中國大陸以獨立法典立法方式而於2017年制定了「民法典」之最基礎法規——民法總則法,其內容大致保有大陸法系之特色,而以權利主體、權利客體及權利變動等為主軸,但仍有不同於其他大陸法系之諸多創新規定。由於新通過之中國大陸民法總則將適用於全世界最多人口之中國,因而此法典之規範容容仍值得吾人關注之。

英文摘要 Civil code is the basic law and can be called the mother of private law. The general principles of civil code is the common principle of civil code. The civil codes such as Germany, Japan and Taiwan are structured according to the Pandectist System : general principles, Law of Obligation, Law of Rghts in Rem, Family Law, Law of Inheritance. The codification of civil codes is an important common characteristic of civil law of Germany, Japan and Taiwan. Although China did not enact a complete civil code, but in 2017 the general principles of civil code, which its content is generally to retain the imprtant characteristics of civil law such as the subject of rights, the object of the rights and the change of rights. But there are still different from other civil law system of many innovative requirements. The new Code will apply to China, which has the largest population in the world, so the contents of this Code is still worthy of our attention.
起訖頁 47-55
關鍵詞 民法總則權利主體法人權利客體權利變動General Principles of Civil LawSubject of RightsJuridical PersonsObject of RightsChange of Rights
刊名 月旦民商法雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201709 (57期)
DOI 10.3966/172717622017090057004  複製DOI  DOI申請

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