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On the Recent Development of General Provisions of the Civil Law
作者 崔建遠
中文摘要 中國大陸民法總則的新發展,除其發揚中華民族優秀傳統文化、強調綠色發展、微調誠信原則與公平原則之間的地位和功能、豐富民事主體的類型及突破民事主體理論、表明對個人資訊以及資料和網路虛擬財產的態度、凸顯人文關懷之外,還表現在偏離潘得克頓體系,意思表示制度趨於完善,大力度地整合法律行為無效原因的體系,改造了意思表示瑕疵制度,增設了自己代理和雙方代理規則,增設了除斥期間的一般規定,完善了訴訟時效制度的諸多方面。

英文摘要 There are some recent developments in the General Provisions of the Civil Law of mainland China. For example, carrying forward the excellent traditional culture of Chinese nation, emphasizing the green development, adjusting the status and function between the principle of good faith and fairness, enriching the types of civil subjects and breaking through the civil subject theory, declaring the attitude to Data and network virtual property, highlighting the humanistic care. And also, the development are mainly shown in the following aspects: deviating from the Pandecten system, perfecting the declaration of will, integrating the system of the void reasons of Juridical acts, reforming the system of defect of declaration; the addition of rules of agency and the general provisions of the exclusion period, the perfection of extinctive prescription and so on.
起訖頁 5-18
關鍵詞 民法總則意思表示無效原因代理時間效力General Provisions of the Civil LawDeclaration of WillCause of InvalidityAgencyValidity in Terms of Time
刊名 月旦民商法雜誌
出版單位 元照出版公司
期數 201709 (57期)
DOI 10.3966/172717622017090057001  複製DOI  DOI申請

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